On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 06:13:28PM +0400, Tatyana Fokina wrote:
- hr = CreateTypeLib2(SYS_WIN32, jsdeb, (ICreateTypeLib2 **)&ctl2);
- ok_ole_success(hr, CreateTypeLib2);
- hr = ICreateTypeLib2_CreateTypeInfo(ctl2, jsname, TKIND_DISPATCH, &cti);
- ok_ole_success(hr, ICreateTypeLib2_CreateTypeInfo);
Please don't use obscure strings like 'jsdeb.tlb' use something like 'test.tlb'. You don't need the casts here or further down.
- hr = ICreateTypeInfo_QueryInterface(cti, &IID_ITypeInfo2, (void**)&ti2);
- ok_ole_success(hr, ICreateTypeInfo2_QueryInterface);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
There's no need to put this inside an if block. QI isn't going to fail. Also your indentation is first four spaces, then two - keep it at four.