I have a library built under Linux with Wine (mylib.a) that uses various Windows API (mainly GUI) that built fine. I compiled the main program from .c to .o and from .rc to .res just fine. My problem is I can't figure our what command line to use to link:
myprogram.o myprogram.res mylib.a
In other words, when I try to link it all together I get a bunch of unresolved externals on things like:
ReleaseDC GetDC SendMessageA MulDiv GlobalAlloc etc.......
I don't know what gcc command line argument to load the normal API's.
I checked all the online docs. There are no examples and the docs that do exist state that hey are out-of-date.
I would really appreciate a few simple example command lines to link a program with the normal API's AND my .res file.
Thank you.
Blake McBride blake@mcbride.name