2009/5/1 Cissyvonwinckelmann cissyvonwinckelmann@planet.nl:
hartelijk dank Benm ja ik moet snel een andere pc hebben, want dit is een hele ouwe dan krijg je de moeilijkheden, groetjes cissy
I have to use Google Language Tools to translate your text, so I apologise if I misunderstand you.
The "old problems" with Messenger (you actually didn't say which Messenger it is, Yahoo or MSN?) in Wine are not likely to go away without a lot of work. As this is the developers' mailing list, we would welcome patches/modifications to Wine to make it work better. Without a discussion on the development side, your questions are better directed to wine-users mailing list or the forum, or some other user-oriented support path.
Regardless, it is strongly recommended that you look into using a native client (i.e. something you don't need Wine to run) such as Pidgin.
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Ben Klein shacklein@gmail.com wrote:
2009/5/1 Cissyvonwinckelmann cissyvonwinckelmann@planet.nl:
hartelijk dank Benm ja ik moet snel een andere pc hebben, want dit is een hele ouwe dan krijg je de moeilijkheden, groetjes cissy
I have to use Google Language Tools to translate your text, so I apologise if I misunderstand you.
You did indeed misunderstand him. I'll translate his messages:
----- Hi, Is there a possibility to still download Messenger 7.0? You see, I am still running Windows ME. Waiting for your answer, Cheers, cissy -----
And his next email:
----- Thank you very much, Ben. Yeah, I must get another PC soon, because this is an old one and that causes problems. Cheers, cissy. -----
So I'm pretty sure he's on the wrong mailing list.
2009/5/1 Remco remco47@gmail.com:
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Ben Klein shacklein@gmail.com wrote:
2009/5/1 Cissyvonwinckelmann cissyvonwinckelmann@planet.nl:
hartelijk dank Benm ja ik moet snel een andere pc hebben, want dit is een hele ouwe dan krijg je de moeilijkheden, groetjes cissy
I have to use Google Language Tools to translate your text, so I apologise if I misunderstand you.
You did indeed misunderstand him. I'll translate his messages:
Hi, Is there a possibility to still download Messenger 7.0? You see, I am still running Windows ME. Waiting for your answer, Cheers, cissy
And his next email:
Thank you very much, Ben. Yeah, I must get another PC soon, because this is an old one and that causes problems. Cheers, cissy.
So I'm pretty sure he's on the wrong mailing list.
I'll leave it to you to tell him to go to AppDB and discover MSN Messenger doesn't work well then ;) Or at least go to wine-users and bug them with Google Translate :P