Why is there no release announcement for the 0.9.20 release of wine on the homepage?
On 8/30/06, EA Durbin ead1234@hotmail.com wrote:
Why is there no release announcement for the 0.9.20 release of wine on the homepage?
Fatigue, I suppose. Feel free to submit the neccessary patch. - Dan
On 8/30/06, EA Durbin ead1234@hotmail.com wrote:
Why is there no release announcement for the 0.9.20 release of wine on the homepage?
I'm moving, that's why.
I'm only now getting situated. WWN needs to get written, some other minors updates need to happen, and I need to figure out how to get from London to Reading next week. Any output from me will remain sporadic at best.
More importantly, I have 2 brand new pairs of skis with summer wax on them that need to get scraped off and some core shots repaired. My spare time will likely be spent with a few Corona's and p-tex.
On 9/5/06, Brian Vincent brian.vincent@gmail.com wrote:
I'm only now getting situated. WWN needs to get written, some other minors updates need to happen, and I need to figure out how to get from London to Reading next week.
I'm putting travel tips on http://kegel.com/wine/wineconf2006.html I should have more useful stuff up there in a couple days.
On 9/6/06, Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com wrote:
On 9/5/06, Brian Vincent brian.vincent@gmail.com wrote:
I'm only now getting situated. WWN needs to get written, some other minors updates need to happen, and I need to figure out how to get from London to Reading next week.
I'm putting travel tips on http://kegel.com/wine/wineconf2006.html I should have more useful stuff up there in a couple days.
Hello Dan,
When you have everything in order on your site can you place a link on http://wiki.winehq.org/WineConf2006 to your travel tips?