While running your changed tests on Windows, I think I found new failures. Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be wrong, but could you please double-check? Full results can be found at http://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=13451
Your paranoid android.
=== W7PROX64 (64 bit) === batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 66 (got '------------ Testing 'cd' --------------', wanted '------------ Testing redirection operators --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 67 (got 'C:\winetest', wanted '...stdout redirection') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 68 (got 'C:\winetest\test', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 69 (got 'C:\winetest', wanted 'foo@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 70 (got 'C:\winetest\test', wanted 'foo1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 71 (got 'C:\winetest', wanted 'foo11') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 72 (got 'C:\winetest\test', wanted 'foo12') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 73 (got '------------ Testing redirection operators --------------', wanted '...stdout appending') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 74 (got '...stdout redirection', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 76 (got 'foo ', wanted 'foob@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 77 (got 'foo1', wanted 'foob@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 78 (got 'foo11', wanted 'fooc@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 79 (got 'foo12', wanted 'foob@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 80 (got '...stdout appending', wanted 'fooc@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 81 (got 'foo', wanted 'food1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 82 (got 'foo ', wanted 'foob@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 83 (got 'foob ', wanted 'fooc@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 84 (got 'foob ', wanted 'food1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 85 (got 'fooc ', wanted 'food2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 86 (got 'foob ', wanted 'food21') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 87 (got 'fooc ', wanted '------------ Testing ^ escape character --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 88 (got 'food1', wanted 'hello, world') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 89 (got 'foob ', wanted 'hello, world') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 90 (got 'fooc ', wanted 'hell^o, world') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 91 (got 'food1', wanted 'hell^o, world') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 92 (got 'food2', wanted 'baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 93 (got 'food21', wanted 'baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 94 (got '------------ Testing ^ escape character --------------', wanted 'foo | echo bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x68 position 0 in line 95 (got 'hello, world', wanted 'foo & echo bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x68 position 0 in line 96 (got 'hello, world', wanted 'bak &') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x68 position 0 in line 97 (got 'hell^o, world', wanted 'baz@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x68 position 0 in line 98 (got 'hell^o, world', wanted '0@or_broken@1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 99 (got 'baz', wanted 'foo > foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 100 (got 'baz', wanted '<') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 101 (got 'foo | echo bar', wanted 'ffoof') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 102 (got 'foo & echo bar', wanted 'FOO=bar | baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 103 (got 'bak &', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 104 (got 'baz ', wanted 'FOO=bar ^| baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 105 (got '0', wanted 'bar | baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 106 (got 'foo > foo', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x3c position 0 in line 107 (got '<', wanted '------------ Testing 'set' --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 108 (got 'ffoof', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 109 (got 'FOO=bar | baz', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 110 (got '0', wanted 'FOOBAR not defined') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 111 (got 'FOO=bar ^| baz', wanted ' baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 112 (got 'bar | baz', wanted 'FOOBAR = baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 114 (got '------------ Testing 'set' --------------', wanted ' baz2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 115 (got '1', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 116 (got '0', wanted ' bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 117 (got 'FOOBAR not defined', wanted 'FOOBAR= bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x20 position 0 in line 118 (got ' baz', wanted 'FOOBAR = baz2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 119 (got 'FOOBAR = baz', wanted 'FOOBAR = baz2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 120 (got '0', wanted 'FOOBAR not defined') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x20 position 0 in line 121 (got ' baz2', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 122 (got '0', wanted 'bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x20 position 0 in line 123 (got ' bar', wanted 'foobar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 124 (got 'FOOBAR= bar', wanted 'FOO not defined') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 125 (got 'FOOBAR = baz2', wanted 'BAZ=bazbaz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 126 (got 'FOOBAR = baz2', wanted 'bazbaz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 127 (got 'FOOBAR not defined', wanted 'set "FOO=bar" should not include the quotes in the variable value') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 128 (got '1', wanted 'bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 129 (got 'bar', wanted '------------ Testing variable expansion --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 130 (got 'foobar', wanted '~dp0 should be directory containing batch file') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x46 position 0 in line 131 (got 'FOO not defined', wanted '@pwd@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 132 (got 'BAZ=bazbaz', wanted '@pwd@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 133 (got 'bazbaz', wanted 'CD value @pwd@@or_broken@CD value@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x73 position 0 in line 134 (got 'set "FOO=bar" should not include the quotes in the variable value', wanted '%') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 135 (got 'bar', wanted 'P') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 136 (got '------------ Testing variable expansion --------------', wanted 'P') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x7e position 0 in line 137 (got '~dp0 should be directory containing batch file', wanted 'S') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 138 (got 'C:\winetest', wanted 'P') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 139 (got 'C:\winetest', wanted 'PS') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 140 (got 'CD value C:\winetest', wanted 'ERRORLEVEL') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 141 (got '%', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 142 (got 'P', wanted '00') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 143 (got 'P', wanted '0ERRORLEVEL') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x53 position 0 in line 144 (got 'S', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 145 (got 'P', wanted '0%') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 146 (got 'PS', wanted 'P0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 147 (got 'ERRORLEVEL', wanted '0S') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 148 (got '0', wanted 'P0S') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 149 (got '00', wanted '------------ Testing variable delayed expansion --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 150 (got '0ERRORLEVEL', wanted '...default mode (load-time expansion)') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 151 (got '0', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 152 (got '0%', wanted '!FOO!') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 153 (got 'P0', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 154 (got '0S', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x50 position 0 in line 155 (got 'P0S', wanted '...runtime (delayed) expansion mode') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 156 (got '------------ Testing variable delayed expansion --------------', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 157 (got '...default mode (load-time expansion)', wanted 'foo@or_broken@!FOO!') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x21 position 0 in line 159 (got '!FOO!', wanted 'bar@or_broken@foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 160 (got 'foo', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 161 (got 'foo', wanted '0@or_broken@1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 162 (got '...runtime (delayed) expansion mode', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 163 (got 'foo', wanted '!FOO!') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 164 (got 'foo', wanted '...using /V cmd flag') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 166 (got 'bar', wanted 'foo@or_broken@!FOO!') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 167 (got '0', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 168 (got '0', wanted '!FOO!') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 169 (got 'foo', wanted '------------ Testing conditional execution --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x21 position 0 in line 170 (got '!FOO!', wanted '...unconditional &') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 171 (got '...using /V cmd flag', wanted 'foo1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 172 (got 'foo', wanted 'bar2@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 173 (got 'foo', wanted 'foo2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 174 (got 'foo', wanted 'foobar deleted') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x21 position 0 in line 175 (got '!FOO!', wanted '...on success conditional &&') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 176 (got '------------ Testing conditional execution --------------', wanted 'foo3 not created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 177 (got '...unconditional &', wanted 'bar4@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 178 (got 'foo1', wanted 'foo4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 179 (got 'bar2 ', wanted '...on failure conditional ||') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 180 (got 'foo2', wanted 'foo5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 181 (got 'foobar deleted', wanted 'foo6@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 182 (got '...on success conditional &&', wanted '------------ Testing type ------------') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 183 (got 'foo3 not created', wanted '') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 184 (got 'bar4 ', wanted '@pwd@>type foobaz@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 185 (got 'foo4', wanted 'bar') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 186 (got '...on failure conditional ||', wanted '') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 187 (got 'foo5', wanted '@pwd@>echo ***@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 188 (got 'foo6 ', wanted '***') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 189 (got '------------ Testing type ------------', wanted 'bar') batch.c:235: Test failed: unexpected end of line 190 (got '', wanted '***') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 191 (got 'C:\winetest>type foobaz ', wanted '------------ Testing NUL ------------') batch.c:235: Test failed: unexpected end of line 193 (got '', wanted 'bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 194 (got 'C:\winetest>echo *** ', wanted 'bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2a position 0 in line 195 (got '***', wanted 'NUL') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 196 (got 'bar', wanted 'foo created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2a position 0 in line 197 (got '***', wanted '------------ Testing if/else --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 198 (got '------------ Testing NUL ------------', wanted 'if/else should work with blocks') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 199 (got 'bar', wanted 'if seems to work') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 200 (got 'bar', wanted 'else seems to work') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 201 (got 'bar', wanted 'if seems not to detect /c as parameter') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x4e position 0 in line 202 (got 'NUL', wanted 'Testing case sensitivity with and without /i option') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 203 (got 'foo created', wanted 'if seems to default to case sensitivity') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 204 (got '------------ Testing if/else --------------', wanted 'if /i seems to work') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 205 (got 'if/else should work with blocks', wanted 'if /I seems to work') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 206 (got 'if seems to work', wanted '-----------Testing for -----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 207 (got 'else seems to work', wanted '...plain FOR') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 208 (got 'if seems not to detect /c as parameter', wanted 'A') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x54 position 0 in line 209 (got 'Testing case sensitivity with and without /i option', wanted 'B') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 210 (got 'if seems to default to case sensitivity', wanted 'C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 211 (got 'if /i seems to work', wanted '%I') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x69 position 0 in line 212 (got 'if /I seems to work', wanted '%I') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 213 (got '-----------Testing for -----------', wanted '%I') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 214 (got '...plain FOR', wanted '%j') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 215 (got 'A', wanted '%j') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 216 (got 'B', wanted '%j') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 217 (got 'C', wanted 'A') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 218 (got '%I', wanted 'B') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 219 (got '%I', wanted 'C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 220 (got '%I', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 221 (got '%j', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 222 (got '%j', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x25 position 0 in line 223 (got '%j', wanted 'A') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 224 (got 'A', wanted 'B') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 225 (got 'B', wanted 'C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 226 (got 'C', wanted '...imbricated FORs') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 227 (got '1', wanted 'X Y') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 228 (got '4', wanted 'X Y') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 229 (got '1', wanted 'A C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 230 (got 'A', wanted 'A D') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 231 (got 'B', wanted 'B C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x43 position 0 in line 232 (got 'C', wanted 'B D') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 233 (got '...imbricated FORs', wanted 'A C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x58 position 0 in line 234 (got 'X Y', wanted 'A D') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x58 position 0 in line 235 (got 'X Y', wanted 'B C') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 236 (got 'A C', wanted 'B D') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 237 (got 'A D', wanted '...basic wildcards') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 238 (got 'B C', wanted 'bazbaz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 239 (got 'B D', wanted '...for /d') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 240 (got 'A C', wanted 'baz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x41 position 0 in line 241 (got 'A D', wanted 'foo') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 242 (got 'B C', wanted 'bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x42 position 0 in line 243 (got 'B D', wanted '...for /L') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 244 (got '...basic wildcards', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 245 (got 'bazbaz', wanted '3') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 246 (got '...for /d', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 247 (got 'baz', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 248 (got 'foo', wanted '3') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 249 (got 'bar', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 250 (got '...for /L', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 251 (got '1', wanted '2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 252 (got '3', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 253 (got '5', wanted '-1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 254 (got '1', wanted 'ErrorLevel 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 255 (got '3', wanted 'ErrorLevel 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 256 (got '5', wanted '...for /a') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 257 (got '0', wanted '......individual operations') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 258 (got '2', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 259 (got '1', wanted '3') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 261 (got 'ErrorLevel 0', wanted '3') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 262 (got 'ErrorLevel 0', wanted '6') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 263 (got '...for /a', wanted '10') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 264 (got '......individual operations', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 265 (got '0', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 266 (got '3', wanted '-4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 267 (got '-1', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 268 (got '3', wanted '2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x36 position 0 in line 269 (got '6', wanted '2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 270 (got '10', wanted '-2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 271 (got '4', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 273 (got '-4', wanted '0@or_broken@1073741824') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 275 (got '2', wanted '-4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 276 (got '2', wanted '9') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 277 (got '-2', wanted '2') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 278 (got '1', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 279 (got '4', wanted '-1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 280 (got '0', wanted '-3') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 282 (got '-4', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x39 position 0 in line 283 (got '9', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 284 (got '2', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 285 (got '0', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 286 (got '-1', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 287 (got '-3', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 288 (got '0', wanted '7') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 289 (got '1', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 290 (got '1', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 291 (got '4', wanted '5') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 292 (got '1', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 293 (got '5', wanted '6') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 294 (got '5', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x37 position 0 in line 295 (got '7', wanted '......precedence and grouping') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 296 (got '5', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 297 (got '5', wanted '10') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 298 (got '5', wanted '18@or_broken@10') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 299 (got '4', wanted '2@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x36 position 0 in line 300 (got '6', wanted '2@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 301 (got '1', wanted '0@or_broken@4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 302 (got '......precedence and grouping', wanted '4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 304 (got '10', wanted '......octal and hexadecimal') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 305 (got '18', wanted '3@or_broken@4') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 306 (got '2', wanted '18') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x32 position 0 in line 307 (got '2', wanted '18') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 308 (got '0', wanted '15') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 309 (got '4', wanted '......variables') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 311 (got '......octal and hexadecimal', wanted '3@or_broken@foo not defined') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 313 (got '18', wanted '3@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 314 (got '18', wanted '3@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 315 (got '15', wanted '9@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 316 (got '......variables', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 317 (got '3', wanted '4@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 318 (got '3', wanted '-7@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 319 (got '3', wanted '-1@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 320 (got '3', wanted '5@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x33 position 0 in line 321 (got '3', wanted '4@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x39 position 0 in line 322 (got '9', wanted '1@or_broken@0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 324 (got '4', wanted '5@or_broken@0') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 325 (got '-7', wanted '') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 326 (got '-1', wanted '-----------Testing del /a-----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 327 (got '5', wanted 'not-r.test not found after delete, good') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x34 position 0 in line 328 (got '4', wanted 'r.test found before delete, good') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 329 (got '1', wanted 'r.test not found after delete, good') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 330 (got '0', wanted '------------ Testing del /q --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x35 position 0 in line 331 (got '5', wanted 'del /q * succeeded on file1') batch.c:235: Test failed: unexpected end of line 332 (got '', wanted 'del /q * succeeded on file2.dat') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 333 (got '-----------Testing del /a-----------', wanted '------------ Testing del /s --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6e position 0 in line 334 (got 'not-r.test not found after delete, good', wanted '----------- Testing mkdir -----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x72 position 0 in line 335 (got 'r.test found before delete, good', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x72 position 0 in line 336 (got 'r.test not found after delete, good', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 337 (got '------------ Testing del /q --------------', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x64 position 0 in line 338 (got 'del /q * succeeded on file1', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x64 position 0 in line 339 (got 'del /q * succeeded on file2.dat', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 340 (got '------------ Testing del /s --------------', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 341 (got '----------- Testing mkdir -----------', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 345 (got '1', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 348 (got '0', wanted 'dir created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 350 (got '0', wanted 'mkdir ? gives errorlevel 1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 351 (got '1', wanted 'mkdir ?\foo gives errorlevel 1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 352 (got '0', wanted 'mkdir foo? gives errorlevel 1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 353 (got '0', wanted 'ok, foo created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 354 (got '0', wanted 'mkdir foo\bar? gives errorlevel 1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x64 position 0 in line 355 (got 'dir created', wanted 'ok, foo\bar created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 356 (got '0', wanted 'foo created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6d position 0 in line 357 (got 'mkdir ? gives errorlevel 1', wanted 'bar created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6d position 0 in line 358 (got 'mkdir ?\foo gives errorlevel 1', wanted 'foobar created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6d position 0 in line 359 (got 'mkdir foo? gives errorlevel 1', wanted 'bar\baz created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6f position 0 in line 360 (got 'ok, foo created', wanted 'mkdir foo* errorlevel 1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6d position 0 in line 361 (got 'mkdir foo\bar? gives errorlevel 1', wanted 'ok, foo created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6f position 0 in line 362 (got 'ok, foo\bar created', wanted '----------- Testing rmdir -----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 363 (got 'foo created', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 364 (got 'bar created', wanted 'dir removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 365 (got 'foobar created', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 366 (got 'bar\baz created', wanted 'dir removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6d position 0 in line 367 (got 'mkdir foo* errorlevel 1', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6f position 0 in line 368 (got 'ok, foo created', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 369 (got '----------- Testing rmdir -----------', wanted 'file not removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x64 position 0 in line 371 (got 'dir removed', wanted 'non-empty dir not removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x64 position 0 in line 373 (got 'dir removed', wanted 'non-empty dir not removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 374 (got '0', wanted 'recursive rmdir succeeded') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 375 (got '0', wanted 'recursive rmdir succeeded') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 376 (got 'file not removed', wanted 'foo removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 377 (got '0', wanted 'bar removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6e position 0 in line 378 (got 'non-empty dir not removed', wanted 'foobar removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 379 (got '0', wanted 'bar\baz removed') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6e position 0 in line 380 (got 'non-empty dir not removed', wanted '------------ Testing CALL --------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x72 position 0 in line 381 (got 'recursive rmdir succeeded', wanted 'foo@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x72 position 0 in line 382 (got 'recursive rmdir succeeded', wanted 'foo 8') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 383 (got 'foo removed', wanted 'foo@space@@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 384 (got 'bar removed', wanted 'foo bar@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 385 (got 'foobar removed', wanted 'foo ""@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 386 (got 'bar\baz removed', wanted '"" bar@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 387 (got '------------ Testing CALL --------------', wanted 'foo ''@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 388 (got 'foo ', wanted ''' bar@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 389 (got 'foo 8', wanted 'bar :testRoutine') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 390 (got 'foo ', wanted 'foo@space@') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 391 (got 'foo bar ', wanted 'foo bar') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 392 (got 'foo "" ', wanted 'foo ""') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 393 (got '"" bar ', wanted '"" bar') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 394 (got 'foo '' ', wanted 'foo ''') batch.c:238: Test failed: excess characters on line 395 (got ''' bar ', wanted ''' bar') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 396 (got 'bar :testRoutine', wanted '0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 397 (got 'foo ', wanted 'foo created') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 398 (got 'foo bar', wanted 'Should expand foobaz') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 399 (got 'foo ""', wanted 'batfile') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x22 position 0 in line 400 (got '"" bar', wanted 'robinfile') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 401 (got 'foo ''', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x27 position 0 in line 402 (got ''' bar', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x30 position 0 in line 403 (got '0', wanted 'non-builtin dir') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x66 position 0 in line 404 (got 'foo created', wanted '------------ Testing setlocal/endlocal ------------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x53 position 0 in line 405 (got 'Should expand foobaz', wanted '...enable/disable extensions') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x62 position 0 in line 406 (got 'batfile', wanted 'ErrLev:@space@') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x72 position 0 in line 407 (got 'robinfile', wanted 'ErrLev: 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 408 (got '1', wanted 'ErrLev: 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 409 (got '1', wanted 'ErrLev:@space@@or_broken@ErrLev: 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6e position 0 in line 410 (got 'non-builtin dir', wanted 'ErrLev: 0') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 411 (got '------------ Testing setlocal/endlocal ------------', wanted '...setlocal with corresponding endlocal') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 412 (got '...enable/disable extensions', wanted 'globalval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 413 (got 'ErrLev: ', wanted 'localval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 414 (got 'ErrLev: 0', wanted 'globalval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 415 (got 'ErrLev: 0', wanted 'globalval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 416 (got 'ErrLev: ', wanted '...setlocal with no corresponding endlocal') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x45 position 0 in line 417 (got 'ErrLev: 0', wanted 'globalval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 418 (got '...setlocal with corresponding endlocal', wanted 'localval') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6c position 0 in line 420 (got 'localval', wanted '-----------Testing Errorlevel-----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x67 position 0 in line 421 (got 'globalval', wanted '9009') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x67 position 0 in line 422 (got 'globalval', wanted '1') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2e position 0 in line 423 (got '...setlocal with no corresponding endlocal', wanted 'errorlevel just right, good') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x67 position 0 in line 424 (got 'globalval', wanted 'abc0def@or_broken@abc1def') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x6c position 0 in line 425 (got 'localval', wanted 'errorlevel zero, good@or_broken@errorlevel nonzero, bad') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x67 position 0 in line 426 (got 'globalval', wanted '7 should be 7') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x2d position 0 in line 427 (got '-----------Testing Errorlevel-----------', wanted '7 should still be 7') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x39 position 0 in line 428 (got '9009', wanted '-----------Testing GOTO-----------') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x31 position 0 in line 429 (got '1', wanted 'goto with no leading space worked') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 430 (got 'errorlevel just right, good', wanted 'goto with a leading space worked') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x61 position 0 in line 431 (got 'abc0def', wanted 'goto with a leading tab worked') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x65 position 0 in line 432 (got 'errorlevel zero, good', wanted 'goto with a following space worked') batch.c:241: Test failed: unexpected char 0x37 position 0 in line 433 (got '7 should be 7', wanted '-----------Done, jumping to EOF-----------') batch.c:255: Test failed: too long output, got additional 7 should still be 7