Anyone seen this one yet? It seems good enough that perhaps there should be a link to it from
We might want to nudge the author into disclosing the version number of the Wine he was using, so non-Knoppix users can compare versions. - Dan
p.s. Here's its lead-in text:
"The WINE List By Graeme Bennett Posted Aug. 6, 2002; updated Mar. 26, 2003
Wine (which, its authors say, stands for 'Wine is not an emulator') is a Windows-compatible application launching environment for Linux and several other non-Microsoft other operating systems in which users can run many programs designed for Windows. Since not every Windows program runs correctly under Wine, and many of the programs I tested successfully were not listed on the other Wine compatibility lists I found, I've put together this list of programs that work (or at least seem to work -- I didn't test every function of every program!) more or less as they do under Windows.
For these tests, I used the Wine version built into Knoppix versions 3.1 and 3.2. Knoppix is a free Debian-based Linux distribution that requires no installation on or changes to your hard drive. It boots and runs its filesystem directly from a CD. Additionally, it write-protects your Windows hard drive(s) by default, making it an exceptionally safe way to test Wine and/or Linux.
Zero Config Wine
All programs tested were previously installed and no special setup, configuration or manual file copying under Wine was used. In other words, any program listed below works "as is."
On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Dan Kegel wrote:
Anyone seen this one yet? It seems good enough that perhaps there should be a link to it from
From what I understand he ran the applications from a Windows partition.
And that raises the following issues: * he did not test whether they install * the applications may not work in a no-windows environment * even in a Windows environment it probably depends a lot on which Windows version you have, what other applications you have installed (IE5 vs. IE 6, FooBar that upgraded some comctl or other dll, etc), or not installed.
So his list may not be suitable for the WineHQ page.