Question: Is there support for video4linux devices with wine? Is there some support for webcams? What are the settings (config)? I couldn't find anything useful on google concerning this issue....
There's currently no support, but you could add it via the Still Image (STI) API. It's meant for scanners and webcams. There's probably a way to add VFW (Video For Windows drivers) too.
I have written an IDL file for IStillImage, which I haven't gotten round to submitting as yet. I've attached it incase you're interested... I think it still needs some fixing up.
MediaHost (TM) wrote:
Question: Is there support for video4linux devices with wine? Is there some support for webcams? What are the settings (config)? I couldn't find anything useful on google concerning this issue....
/* * Copyright (C) 2004 Mike McCormack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
import "oaidl.idl";
/* encoding neutral interfaces */ /*struct STIDEVICE; typedef struct STIDEVICE* PSTIDEVICE ; struct IStillImage; struct STI; typedef struct STI *PSTI;
typedef struct IStillImageW IStillImageW,*PSTIW; typedef struct STIDEVICEW* PSTIDEVICEW; typedef struct STI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONW *PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONW;
typedef struct IStillImageA IStillImageA,*PSTIA; typedef struct STIDEVICEA* PSTIDEVICEA; typedef struct STI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONA *PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONA;
HRESULT WINAPI StiCreateInstanceA(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD ver, PSTIA *ppSti, void **punk); HRESULT WINAPI StiCreateInstanceW(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD ver, PSTIW *ppSti, void **punk); */
typedef struct _STI_DEV_CAPS { DWORD dwGeneric; } STI_DEV_CAPS, *PSTI_DEV_CAPS;
typedef struct _STI_DEVICE_STATUS { DWORD dwSize; DWORD StatusMask; DWORD dwOnlineState; DWORD dwHardwareStatusCode; DWORD dwEventHandlingState; DWORD dwPollingInterval; } STI_DEVICE_STATUS, *PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS;
typedef struct _ERROR_INFOA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwGenericError; DWORD dwVendorError; CHAR szExtendedErrorText[255]; } STI_ERROR_INFOA, *PSTI_ERROR_INFOA;
typedef struct _ERROR_INFOW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwGenericError; DWORD dwVendorError; WCHAR szExtendedErrorText[255]; } STI_ERROR_INFOW, *PSTI_ERROR_INFOW;
typedef struct _STI_DIAGA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwBasicDiagCode; DWORD dwVendorDiagCode; DWORD dwStatusMask; STI_ERROR_INFOA sErrorInfo; } STI_DIAGA, *LPSTI_DIAGA;
typedef struct _STI_DIAGW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwBasicDiagCode; DWORD dwVendorDiagCode; DWORD dwStatusMask; STI_ERROR_INFOW sErrorInfo; } STI_DIAGW, *LPSTI_DIAGW;
[ object, uuid(6CFA5A80-2DC8-11D0-90EA-00AA0060F86C), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStiDevice : IUnknown { HRESULT Initialize(HINSTANCE hinst, LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, DWORD dwVersion, DWORD dwMode); HRESULT GetCapabilities(PSTI_DEV_CAPS pDevCaps); HRESULT GetStatus(PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS pDevStatus); HRESULT DeviceReset(); HRESULT Diagnostic(LPSTI_DIAG pBuffer); HRESULT Escape(STI_RAW_CONTROL EscapeFunction, LPVOID lpInData, DWORD cbInDataSize, LPVOID pOutData, DWORD dwOutDataSize, LPDWORD pdwActualData); HRESULT GetLastError(LPDWORD pdwLastDeviceError); HRESULT LockDevice(DWORD dwTimeOut); HRESULT UnLockDevice(); HRESULT RawReadData(LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); HRESULT RawWriteData(LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); HRESULT RawReadCommand(LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); HRESULT RawWriteCommand(LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); HRESULT Subscribe(LPSTISUBSCRIBE lpSubscribe); HRESULT GetLastNotificationData(LPSTINOTIFY lpNotify); HRESULT UnSubscribe(); HRESULT GetLastErrorInfo(STI_ERROR_INFO *pLastErrorInfo); }
/***************************************************************************** * IStillImageW */ [ object, uuid(641BD880-2DC8-11D0-90EA-00AA0060F86C), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStillImageW : IUnknown { HRESULT Initialize(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion); HRESULT GetDeviceList(DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD *pdwItemsReturned, LPVOID* ppBuffer); HRESULT GetDeviceInfo(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPVOID* ppBuffer); HRESULT CreateDevice(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, DWORD dwMode, PSTIDEVICE* pDevice, LPUNKNOWN* punkOuter); HRESULT GetDeviceValue(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPWSTR pValueName, LPDWORD pType, LPBYTE pData, LPDWORD cbData); HRESULT SetDeviceValue(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPWSTR pValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbData); HRESULT GetSTILaunchInformation(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPDWORD pdwEventCode, LPWSTR pwszEventName); HRESULT RegisterLaunchApplication(LPWSTR pwszAppName, LPWSTR pwszCommandLine); HRESULT UnregisterLaunchApplication(LPWSTR pwszAppName); HRESULT EnableHwNotifications(LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, BOOL bNewState); HRESULT GetHwNotificationState(LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, BOOL* pbCurrentState); HRESULT RefreshDeviceBus(LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName); HRESULT LaunchApplicationForDevice(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPWSTR pwszAppName, LPSTINOTIFY pStiNotify); HRESULT SetupDeviceParameters(PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONW); HRESULT WriteToErrorLog(DWORD dwMessageType, LPCWSTR pszMessage); }
/***************************************************************************** * IStillImageA */ [ object, uuid(A7B1F740-1D7F-11D1-ACA9-00A02438AD48), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStillImageA : IUnknown { HRESULT Initialize(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion); HRESULT GetDeviceList(DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD *pdwItemsReturned, LPVOID* ppBuffer); HRESULT GetDeviceInfo(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, LPVOID* ppBuffer); HRESULT CreateDevice(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, DWORD dwMode, PSTIDEVICE* pDevice, LPUNKNOWN* punkOuter); HRESULT GetDeviceValue(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, LPSTR pValueName, LPDWORD pType, LPBYTE pData, LPDWORD cbData); HRESULT SetDeviceValue(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, LPSTR pValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbData); HRESULT GetSTILaunchInformation(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, LPDWORD pdwEventCode, LPSTR pwszEventName); HRESULT RegisterLaunchApplication(LPSTR pwszAppName, LPSTR pwszCommandLine); HRESULT UnregisterLaunchApplication(LPSTR pwszAppName); HRESULT EnableHwNotifications(LPCSTR pwszDeviceName, BOOL bNewState); HRESULT GetHwNotificationState(LPCSTR pwszDeviceName, BOOL* pbCurrentState); HRESULT RefreshDeviceBus(LPWSTR pwszDeviceName); HRESULT LaunchApplicationForDevice(LPSTR pwszDeviceName, LPSTR pwszAppName, LPSTINOTIFY pStiNotify); HRESULT SetupDeviceParameters(PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONA); HRESULT WriteToErrorLog(DWORD dwMessageType, LPCSTR pszMessage); }
Mike McCormack wrote:
There's currently no support, but you could add it via the Still Image (STI) API. It's meant for scanners and webcams. There's probably a way to add VFW (Video For Windows drivers) too.
I have written an IDL file for IStillImage, which I haven't gotten round to submitting as yet. I've attached it incase you're interested... I think it still needs some fixing up.
MediaHost (TM) wrote:
Question: Is there support for video4linux devices with wine? Is there some support for webcams? What are the settings (config)? I couldn't find anything useful on google concerning this issue....
You're probably much better off implementing a DirectShow -> V4L filter, especially if you want to capture movies or sound.