Marcus Meissner wrote:
On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 05:45:36PM -0500, Roger Fujii wrote:
If you are using marketing speak for "contribute". GPL requires 1) for you to show your work 2) You effectively license your software to the FSF. It doesn't say it has to be in any useful form to be worked back into the originating project (if any).
License is not equal Copyright. You don't automatically sign away your Copyright when switching to the GPL.
??? but I didn't mention copyright. I used the word "license" for this very reason. The copyright holder can later change the licensing policies (though the FSF says this is "ethically tainted"). But there still can be a *GPLed copy after the change....
Freedom means allowing people to do things, even things that you don't agree with. BSD = Free. GPL is not. Call a spade a spade....
Quoting: When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
these things.
I didn't mention cost for the same reason. It seems like a trivial academic exercise to show that something that has LESS restrictions is more "free" than something with more. Hence it is riduculous to say GPL is more "free" than X11/BSD (which is why I wrote that to begin with). Just because something claims it's 'free' doesn't mean it is, just as the "Democractic People's Republic or Korea" isn't democratic by most people's definition of democracy. GPLed programs are certainly infinitely more "free" than propriatary ones, but then, propriatory programs don't try to claim that they're "free" either.
The problem is not other people doing things with my stuff, the problem is restricting ME as a developer.
but that is PRECISELY the issue here, unless you consider someone not contributing is a restriction on a developer. The *GPL clearly restricts how something can be distributed: "rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program"
The topic was opened again because there are concerns about how other people are using the source code. Yes, this is a problem, but the tendency is for *GPL advocates to claim that there will be no negative impact which is not the case.
On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Roger Fujii wrote:
I didn't mention cost for the same reason. It seems like a trivial academic exercise to show that something that has LESS restrictions is more "free" than something with more. Hence it is riduculous to say GPL is more "free" than X11/BSD (which is why I wrote that to begin with).
No, it's not. A society where _everything_ is permitted (even murder), is certainly more "free" than one where murder is punished, if we follow your argument. In a very short sighted way of looking of things, maybe you are right. But _overall_, the society which punished murder is _more_ free. This is because in that society mos t people can go about doing what they want without fear of being killed. In the other, only a very small group of strong people can do that, while all the others have most their freedoms denied by this extremly small (but strong) group.
So no, it's not a 'trivial academic exercise' at all.
-- Dimi.