Hi all,
This is your last chance to get your very own PGP key signed by your community. So far, we have 6.5 participants (hoping to get it to 7 by tomorrow). This means 7 brand new signatures on your PGP key. Read the previous announcement (http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/04/0057.html and http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/04/0084.html) for details on what you need to do.
New submissions should be possible to get right up to the party itself, assuming I can get our hosts to lend me the use of a printer (Will you?).
CRUD! LOL I have a key, but I 1) dont have a laptop and 2) dont know when or where wineconf is this year and 3) doubt I could make it even if I did. Otherwise I could be #7 lol..
Could you tell me when and where and then I can determine if I can make it.. If I can I will let you know and I will be #7, except for the whole laptop thing...
Shachar Shemesh wrote:
Hi all,
This is your last chance to get your very own PGP key signed by your community. So far, we have 6.5 participants (hoping to get it to 7 by tomorrow). This means 7 brand new signatures on your PGP key. Read the previous announcement (http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/04/0057.html and http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/04/0084.html) for details on what you need to do.
New submissions should be possible to get right up to the party itself, assuming I can get our hosts to lend me the use of a printer (Will you?).