I've also submitted a patch series for buffer shader views a while back [1]. My series seems to have better tests. The "lod" parameter handling is probably solved in a nicer way as well.
On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 6:16 PM, Andrew Wesie awesie@gmail.com wrote:
gl_info->gl_ops.gl.p_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, 0);
I suppose that a dummy texture is generally required in order to get correct results for unbound shader views.
- {"GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range", ARB_TEXTURE_BUFFER_RANGE },
This extension has to be also added to the "core_extensions" table.
+static void wined3d_shader_resource_view_create_buffer_view(struct wined3d_shader_resource_view *view,
const struct wined3d_shader_resource_view_desc *desc, struct wined3d_buffer *buffer,
const struct wined3d_format *view_format)
- const struct wined3d_gl_info *gl_info;
- struct wined3d_context *context;
- context = context_acquire(buffer->resource.device, NULL);
- gl_info = context->gl_info;
- wined3d_buffer_load_location(buffer, context, WINED3D_LOCATION_BUFFER);
- gl_info->gl_ops.gl.p_glGenTextures(1, &view->object);
- gl_info->gl_ops.gl.p_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, view->object);
- GL_EXTCALL(glTexBufferRange(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, view_format->glInternal, buffer->buffer_object,
desc->u.buffer.start_idx * view_format->byte_count, desc->u.buffer.count * view_format->byte_count));
It would be nice to check if ARB_texture_buffer_range is supported and fallback to ARB_texture_buffer_object. This might be especially useful for macOS.
- checkGLcall("Create buffer view");
- gl_info->gl_ops.gl.p_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, 0);
- context_release(context);
This might invalidate shader resource bindings. There is no need to unbind the texture buffer, but you need to call "context_invalidate_state(context, STATE_SHADER_RESOURCE_BINDING);".
[1] - https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/2016-March/148496.html