James Hawkins wrote:
module = LoadLibraryExW( file->TargetPath, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE ); if (module) {
guid = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1);
CLSIDFromString((LPWSTR)guid, &tl_struct.clsid);
LPWSTR guid;
guid = strdupW(MSI_RecordGetString(row, 1));
CLSIDFromString(guid, &tl_struct.clsid);
msi_free(guid); tl_struct.source = strdupW( file->TargetPath ); tl_struct.path = NULL;
I can guarantee you that CLSIDFromString does not change the input string. We should not be adding extra performance costs in the form of extra memory allocations for the sake of getting rid of a fairly harmless warning. We should fix the ones that don't require an extra allocations or other performance penalty and leave the warning off.