I forgot to include the patch, so here it is.
Hi everybody,
Thanks for your suggestions. I just posted a new patch on wine-patches where I tried to incorporate these and now it does the following (in addition to my previous patch which just started items in the StartUp folder):
- When wineboot finds a file that it wants to start in the StartUp folder, it asks the user whether he wants to run the program. His options are: Always, Yes, No (default), and Never. - If he selects Yes the program is run, if he select No it is not. - If he selects Always or Never, I create a registry key in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\StartupItems with the full pathname of the program and the value "always" or "never." When wineboot sees this program in the StartUp folder it checks this key, and if it is set it performs the appropriate action.
What do you guys think? If you like the system, it would be pretty easy to incorporate this into the run key running as well (which are currently just run without any user confirmation)?
Thanks Misha