Again investigating AutoCAD r14 app under wine, I found a bug that make app hang when some registry values are present. At first I've made a script that cleans up registry before launching AutoCAD,but this was only a way-around to the problem. Looking at relay output, I found a loop in calling RegEnumValueA :
// @@@@ START OF LOOP BLOCK HERE......... :Call advapi32.dll.RegEnumValueA (000000cc,00000001,40486844,404868ec,00000000,404868f4,41e62020, 404868fc) ret=008a3850 :Call ntdll.dll.NtEnumerateValueKey (000000cc,00000001,00000001,40486544,00000100,40486540) ret=406afb24 :Ret ntdll.dll.NtEnumerateValueKey() retval=00000000 ret=406afb24 :Call ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(4048653c,40486558 L"REGPATH\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R1 4.0\ACAD-2452448:80143967\AutodeskApps\LsObj",0000000e) ret=406afc03 :Ret ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize() retval=00000000 ret=406afc03 :Call ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN (40486844,00000007,00000000,40486558,0000000e) ret=406afc24 :Ret ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN() retval=00000000 ret=406afc24 :Call ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(40486538,40486566 L"\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R14.0\AC AD-2452448:80143967\AutodeskApps\LsObj",000000bc) ret=406afc77 :Ret ntdll.dll.RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize() retval=00000000 ret=406afc77 :Call ntdll.dll.RtlNtStatusToDosError(80000005) <--ERROR HERE ! ret=406afd5d :Ret ntdll.dll.RtlNtStatusToDosError() retval=000000ea ret=406afd5d :Ret advapi32.dll.RegEnumValueA() retval=000000ea ret=008a3850 <-- MORE DATA AVAILABLE RETURN (AUTOCAD KEEPS TRYING TO GET DATA) // @@@@ END OF LOOP BLOCK HERE
Here RegEnumValueA returns an error of invalid buffer; Looking into code it seems to me that the NtEnumerateValueKey() used to find the largest name and value sizes of keys to be enumerated returns a wrong size; next use for reading the key gives an arror of buffer overflow, being it allocated with wrong (too small) size. AutoCAD keeps trying to get the keys/values, in and endless loop.
Looking more with some debug print statements, it appears that Autocad allocates 4 bytes of buffer for the value, but RegEnumValueA needs much more, 94 in this case, giving an Out-Of-Buffer error back. It seems to me that the 94 bytes are for the name of the key, not for the value....
Massimo wrote:
Looking more with some debug print statements, it appears that Autocad allocates 4 bytes of buffer for the value, but RegEnumValueA needs much more, 94 in this case, giving an Out-Of-Buffer error back. It seems to me that the 94 bytes are for the name of the key, not for the value....
Is it me, or did you just say that placing a five characters value in the registry will cause Autocad to hang indefenitely on Windows? Sloppy programming if I ever saw one.
Not that this is, in any way, an excuse, mind you.
eheheh... no, I mean that AutoCAD asks for buffer size and gets 4, allocates a buffer for 4 bytes and then wine overflows telling that it needs 94 when reading registry value.... BTW, I agree that entering in an endless loop DOES mean some kind of nasty design in autocad..... it would be much better to exit with an error message
Alle 19:08, martedì 2 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
Massimo wrote:
Looking more with some debug print statements, it appears that Autocad allocates 4 bytes of buffer for the value, but RegEnumValueA needs much more, 94 in this case, giving an Out-Of-Buffer error back. It seems to me that the 94 bytes are for the name of the key, not for the value....
Is it me, or did you just say that placing a five characters value in the registry will cause Autocad to hang indefenitely on Windows? Sloppy programming if I ever saw one.
Not that this is, in any way, an excuse, mind you.