---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Vijay Kiran Kamuju infyquest@gmail.com Date: Jun 30, 2005 3:42 PM Subject: Re: Anybody looking for a pet Wine project? To: Mike McCormack mike@codeweavers.com
typelib info of hhctrl.ocx of winxp (used pe explorer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//HHCtrl 4.0 Type Library //Version: 4.0 HHCTRLLib; GUID = {ADB880A2-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11};
//Event interface for HHCtrl Dispatch _HHCtrlEvents; GUID = {ADB880A3-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11}; function Click(out ParamString: BSTR); stdcall;
//HHCtrl Class CoClass HHCtrl; GUID = {52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436};
//IHHCtrl Interface Dispatch IHHCtrl; GUID = {ADB880A1-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11}; function QueryInterface(riid: ^GUID; out ppvObj: ^^VOID); stdcall; function AddRef: UI4; stdcall; function Release: UI4; stdcall; function GetTypeInfoCount(out pctinfo: ^UINT); stdcall; function GetTypeInfo(itinfo: UINT; lcid: UI4; out pptinfo: ^^VOID); stdcall; function GetIDsOfNames(riid: ^GUID; rgszNames: ^^I1; cNames: UINT; lcid: UI4; out rgdispid: ^I4); stdcall; function Invoke(dispidMember: I4; riid: ^GUID; lcid: UI4; wFlags: UI2; pdispparams: ^DISPPARAMS; out pvarResult: ^Variant; out pexcepinfo: ^EXCEPINFO; out puArgErr: ^UINT); stdcall; property-put Image(: BSTR); stdcall; property-get Image: BSTR; stdcall; //Click method function Click; stdcall; //Click method function HHClick; stdcall; //Print method function Print; stdcall; //syncURL method function syncURL(out pszUrl: BSTR); stdcall; //TCard method function TCard(out wParam: UINT_PTR; out lParam: LONG_PTR); stdcall; //Text Popup method function TextPopup(out pszText: BSTR; out pszFont: BSTR; out horzMargins: INT; out vertMargins: INT; out clrForeground: UI4; out clrBackground: UI4); stdcall;
Alias LONG_PTR; I4
//Deprecated HHCtrl Class 2 CoClass OldHHCtrl2; GUID = {41B23C28-488E-4E5C-ACE2-BB0BBABE99E8};
//Deprecated HHCtrl Class 1 CoClass OldHHCtrl1; GUID = {ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11};
On 6/30/05, Mike McCormack mike@codeweavers.com wrote:
Hi All,
If anybody is looking for a small project, I've got just the thing for you!
hh.exe and hhctrl.ocx are two components of the Microsoft HTML help engine. hh.exe is a small wrapper around hhctrl.ocx, which is the HTML help viewer.
hhctrl.ocx embeds IE and feeds it HTML documents decoded from .chm files with itss.dll (the Infotech storage system). Implementing hhctrl.ocx would make an excellent test case for IE embedding that Jacek is working on, and for itss.dll.
So most of the components are already in place (or will be soon) to make HTML help work... any takers to fill in the dots?
The reward is, like most of Wine code, to say "I made that work" :)
Let me know if you're interested.