I'm new in this list and I would help in many things :p .
I haven't much time, but I supose I can do little tasks.
Ehm.. I've decided to collaborate because I have a little idea, but I don't know if it's really possible or if it's very difficult (i think no, but I don't know if I'm right).
My idea is to modify the .lnk files of many programs when are installed to use icons not inside the executables, but more beautiful png images, helping to integrate the windows applications in the desktop.
An example is the Spotify app, this application have a really small icon inside its executable, but when this image is used in a dock like Docky looks really ugly. If wine could make usage of many free (free as freedom) artwork instead of these icons, then the desktop will look more beautiful.
( I've tried to modify the .lnk files but i cant do it because are binary files and i cant find documentation about its structure)
Bye , thanks for your atention :) .
Am 13.01.2011 um 19:09 schrieb CaStarCo:
My idea is to modify the .lnk files of many programs when are installed to use icons not inside the executables, but more beautiful png images, helping to integrate the windows applications in the desktop.
How do you plan this to work? Should wine ship a set of icons and a database when to exchange the app-provided icon with one of our icons? Or should wine search google and automagically find a prettier icon?
Either way I like the goal your idea tries to achive(Windows app icons usually do look ugly in the OSX dock), but I am afraid it is (a) hard to do and (b) outside the scope of Wine. A more detailed plan how your idea could be implemented could help convince people though!
Cheers, Stefan
Hello CaStarCo,
You don't need modify with the .lnk files. Just look into the .desktop file, which is native to *nix desktop environments. AFAIK most Dock apps scan the .desktop files for icons, too. Usually, the .desktop file doesn't refer to a specific image file, but rather, the name of the icon. The actual icon is part of the icon theme. You need to create your own icon theme pack to give your Wine applications new icons.
You might be interested in the official specification of .desktop files: