Hi. Trying to get comfortable with Wine development tools, I noticed one thing that I'm curious about. When I compile wine 1.1.0 on i686 Ubuntu virtual machine (I didn't manage to compile it on my "real" x86_64 openSUSE 10.3 despite all the googling and trying and pain :-)), resulting binaries take about 130 Mb on disk. It's way too much in comparison with Ubuntu/openSUSE deb/rpm binaries which take about 50 mb unpacked. Experimenting with CFLAGS and ./configure options didn't help at all. Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. I can do some C++ and want to help Wine development very much, but have no experience in programming for *nix, so excuse my dumb questions. Didn't mean to annoy anyone :-)
Most distributions ship "stripped" binaries that have the debugging symbols removed. Run "man strip" at a terminal for details on how to do this post-compile.
Erich Hoover ehoover@mines.edu
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:06 PM, dAnIK SeNT dsent@mail.ru wrote:
Hi. Trying to get comfortable with Wine development tools, I noticed one thing that I'm curious about. When I compile wine 1.1.0 on i686 Ubuntu virtual machine (I didn't manage to compile it on my "real" x86_64 openSUSE 10.3 despite all the googling and trying and pain :-)), resulting binaries take about 130 Mb on disk. It's way too much in comparison with Ubuntu/openSUSE deb/rpm binaries which take about 50 mb unpacked. Experimenting with CFLAGS and ./configure options didn't help at all. Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. I can do some C++ and want to help Wine development very much, but have no experience in programming for *nix, so excuse my dumb questions. Didn't mean to annoy anyone :-)
-- Best regards, Sentiabov Danila aka dAnIK SeNT dsent@mail.ru
dAnIK SeNT wrote:
Hi. Trying to get comfortable with Wine development tools, I noticed one thing that I'm curious about. When I compile wine 1.1.0 on i686 Ubuntu virtual machine (I didn't manage to compile it on my "real" x86_64 openSUSE 10.3 despite all the googling and trying and pain :-)), resulting binaries take about 130 Mb on disk. It's way too much in comparison with Ubuntu/openSUSE deb/rpm binaries which take about 50 mb unpacked. Experimenting with CFLAGS and ./configure options didn't help at all. Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. I can do some C++ and want to help Wine development very much, but have no experience in programming for *nix, so excuse my dumb questions. Didn't mean to annoy anyone :-)
The whole compile directory should actually be about 350MB. The difference you see is debug information that is not present in binary packages.
Vitaliy, Erich, thank you for your answers! So I don't need to change anything while I'm debugging code. And when I decide to distribute my binaries it will make sense to strip these symbols.
The whole compile directory should actually be about 350MB. The difference you see is debug information that is not present in binary packages.
Most distributions ship "stripped" binaries that have the debugging symbols removed. Run "man strip" at a terminal for details on how to do this post-compile.
Erich Hoover ehoover@mines.edu