Hi, I'm running vc.net as a cross-compiler under wine. Everything looks very nice when you run it with X server running. Yet, when there's no X present, winetty driver kicks in and corrupts the console output. Is there a simple remedy? Here are the problems that I observe:
1. Pointless Xlib error message about it not being able to connect to the X server -- this wastes 2 lines of screen real estate and the apps in question are console-only *anyway* It'd be nice to have an environment variable or a registry setting to disable showing of this message.
2. Winetty seems to use ncurses for simple line-oriented output where winex11 did the right thing and didn't wrap the output with escape sequences in such a weird way
3. Winetty clears the screen upon startup (due to ncurses maybe), so e.g. running things from nmake.exe makes the screen get wiped everytime a compile/link step is invoked.
This has a nasty side effect: with winetty driver a simple wine foo.exe > log gives you corrupt output with escape sequences that weren't reallyoutput by foo.exe , whereas with winex11 wine foo.exe > log gives you the *correct* output capture.
I will file a bug for it if it's not just something weird on my side.
Kuba Ober a écrit :
Hi, I'm running vc.net as a cross-compiler under wine. Everything looks very nice when you run it with X server running. Yet, when there's no X present, winetty driver kicks in and corrupts the console output. Is there a simple remedy? Here are the problems that I observe:
this has already been discussed. what is needed is to delay "real" init for X11 or TTY driver until the app really needs (by "real", I mean connect to X11 server or init the ncurse(s) backend)