I already managed to load a .so recently but I can't get it to work on my new PC. The Windows dll was MyDll.dll which I turned now into a .so. ELF_LoadLibraryExA is looking for a libMyDll.so but returns with error=2. I couldn't find out what this error means. I have my .so with same spelling and case in various places (local to exe, windows\system, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib) but nothing helped. I take it that this is a Linux problem and not from wine. Maybe something with rights?
bye Fabi
The error 2 is in many cases file not found. See include/winerror.h :
I already managed to load a .so recently but I can't get it to work on my new PC. The Windows dll was MyDll.dll which I turned now into a .so. ELF_LoadLibraryExA is looking for a libMyDll.so but returns with error=2. I couldn't find out what this error means. I have my .so with same spelling and case in various places (local to exe, windows\system, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib) but nothing helped. I take it that this is a Linux problem and not from wine. Maybe something with rights?
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I already managed to load a .so recently but I can't get it to work on my new PC. The Windows dll was MyDll.dll which I turned now into a .so. ELF_LoadLibraryExA is looking for a libMyDll.so but returns with error=2. I couldn't find out what this error means. I have my .so with same spelling and case in various places (local to exe, windows\system, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib) but nothing helped. I take it that this is a Linux problem and not from wine. Maybe something with rights?
The error 2 is in many cases file not found. See include/winerror.h :
This error 2 is the return value of dlopen/dlerror, I don't think that Windows errors apply here (though it may be the same error).
bye Fabi
Am Don, 2002-10-10 um 09.16 schrieb Fabian Cenedese:
new PC. The Windows dll was MyDll.dll which I turned now into a .so. ELF_LoadLibraryExA is looking for a libMyDll.so but returns with error=2.
Rename your library to libmydll.so (all lower case) and try again. Wine will not load any Winelib library containing any non-lower-case character.
new PC. The Windows dll was MyDll.dll which I turned now into a .so. ELF_LoadLibraryExA is looking for a libMyDll.so but returns with error=2.
Rename your library to libmydll.so (all lower case) and try again. Wine will not load any Winelib library containing any non-lower-case character.
Actually it does quite well. The name MyDll comes out of the exe, it's wine that turns this into libMyDll.so (and not libmydll.so). My makefile generated .so was named libmydll.so and I had to rename it to mixed case for wine/Linux to find it. But then it worked fine. My last problem I had was that I just copied the existing libMyDll.so from my old computer to the new one. Apparently this is not enough, I had to do a make install (whatever this does besides copying) then it worked also on the new pc. But I still wonder what this error=2 is...
But thanks for trying to help.
bye Fabi