Koshelev, Misha Vladislavo <mk144210 <at> bcm.tmc.edu> writes:
If I have time, I may look into how hard it would be to add DDE for
winebrowser (I don't think it should be too bad, but I'll have to check).
Cool! looking forward to that than ;)
Actually, I already got something that works, just need to clean it up, add fixes to automatically generate the necessary registry subkeys, and I'll send it in at some point. I had to change winebrowser to not be a console app (although it still writes to stderr so for all intents it kinda is) for the DDE stuff to work properly from ShellExecuteW, but it still seems to work fine on the command line both when passing arguments and when using DDE with wine start (except now if you just call winebrowser you have to wait 5 secs for it to print out a usage as it tries to wait for a DDE, but I don't think there is any way to avoid a delay in seeing the usage statement and both do DDE... unless we add some kind of extra command line parameter for the DDE stuff I guess which I will look into).