does anyone know how wine (or at least crossover) enables itunes to work w/ an ipod that is mounted in userspace? I've been reading the cxipod script, and don't quite understand it (seems to do some registry mucking).
Is this modified wine dll's that are ipodservice.exe aware? The reason I ask is not wine related, but I'm trying to do a similiar thing in a VM, where I mount the ipod music partition as a drive (can't use it over USB as VM is stored on the ipod (separate partition) as well). Some iPod utilities (like anapod and ephod) work fine in this mode. However, iTunes does not, so want to see if I can trick iTunes into viewing the iPod "drive" as an iPod and then willing to sync music to it.
Anyways, as I'm not on wine-devel, I'd appreciate being cc'd on responses.