---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ebenezer ben_kelley@users.sourceforge.net Date: 18-Jan-2006 23:31 Subject: wiki.winehq.org To: ivanleo@users.sourceforge.net Cc: ben_kelley@users.sourceforge.net
Message body follows:
Hi. I saw some stuff about WINE benchmark performance on digg.com, but when I went to go to the site I found that my company's proxy blocks the site.
I don't expect you to be able to do anything about this - I just thought you might find it amusing. I believe we use SmartFilter from Secure Computing (http://www.securecomputing.com/). It classifies http://wiki.winehk.org/ as Alcohol and Hacking for version 4 of their software, and "Mature topics" in version 3.
I checked http://winehq.org/, and it is "Computing/Internet" for version 4, and unclassified in version 3.
(I sent Secure Computing some feedback suggesting that they should probably reclassify http://wiki.winehq.org/ !)
- Ben Kelley.
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