Hi all. To help share code with WINE I have asked some of the ReactOS developers to license thier work as LGPL where possible. ReactOS is distributed under the GPL with certain sources being LGPL or X11/BSD. In case anyone wants to work on PSAPI in wine feel free to leech whatever. I will keep wine-devel up to date if anything else is relicensed.
CVSROOT: /CVS/ReactOS Module name: reactos Repository: reactos/lib/psapi/misc/ Changes by: hyperion@mok.lvcm.com 02/08/31 08:36:56
Modified files: reactos/lib/psapi/misc/: dllmain.c malloc.c win32.c reactos/lib/psapi/: psapi.def psapi.edf reactos/lib/psapi/enum/: module.c process.c reactos/lib/psapi/include/internal/: psapi.h reactos/lib/psapi/: makefile psapi.def psapi.edf reactos/lib/psapi/misc/: stubs.c win32.c
Log message: PSAPI: all the annoying stuff (enumeration and search, basically) has been taken care of. Only profiling remains to be implemented.
PSAPI (re)licensed under LGPL to be shared with WinE, as per Steven's request. Interfaces (headers and import library definitions) and trivial sources put in the public domain
Check out the subsystem-independent routines in enum/ (FWIW: the whole DLL only imports two calls from kernel32.dll, SetLastError and AreFileApisANSI): they've been tested, and they could make for a great static library, to implement task manager, tlist, ToolHelp API, etc. Maybe a future addition to mingwnt?
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