Hi All: I am a newbie to wine. I have a few queries. 1. I downloaded the wine source from cvs, however, is there any document as to where i can start lookin into the code.? 2. Where is the program(wine loader) that loads a .ece file located in the source. Appriciate the help. Regards, Preetham
"Preetham" == Preetham preetham@student.utdallas.edu writes:
Preetham> Hi All: I am a newbie to wine. I have a few queries. 1. I Preetham> downloaded the wine source from cvs, however, is there any Preetham> document as to where i can start lookin into the code.?
I don't understand your question. You have the code, so what stops you from looking at it. To get a glimpse where ite going on what will take some time however. Start e.g. so look where some isolated functionality is implemented, like the iternet functionality in ../wine/dll/wininet.
Preetham> 2. Where is the program(wine loader) that loads a .ece file Preetham> located in the source. Appriciate the help. Regards,
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