Hello. I'm new to this list. First I must say that I apologise for posting this mail again here. I hope you wine gurus can see what is going wrong here.
If I run this app http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=4165 with WINEDEBUG=+relay , I can transfer data from my device to PC, but not all of it. It stops somewhere in the middle of the transfer. Without +relay option, device is not even accesible. It just say:
[romcek@core2 ~]$ WINEDEBUG=+trace,+comm wine /home/romcek/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/SMA/Sunny\ Data\ Control/SDC.exe err:systray:delete_icon invalid tray icon ID specified: 0d fixme:tapi:lineInitialize (0x832f88, 0x11c0000, 0x11c2dfc, "TAPICOMM", 0x832f8c): stub. fixme:tapi:lineGetDevCapsA ((nil), 00000000, 00010003, 00000000, 0xf7eaf8): stub. fixme:tapi:lineGetDevCapsA ((nil), 00000000, 00010003, 00000000, 0xf7eb2c): stub. fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0xf7fc80,0x34f5d8,0xf7ec38),stub! fixme:ras:RasEnumDevicesA ((nil),0x34f60c,0x34f608),stub! fixme:ras:RasEnumDevicesA (0x777fe0,0x34f60c,0x34f608),stub! trace:comm:GetCommState handle 0x144, ptr 0x34f9b8 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE (nil) 0 0x34f988 4 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL (nil) 0 0x34f98d 3 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW (nil) 0 0x34f970 16 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_CHARS (nil) 0 0x34f982 6 0x34f914 trace:comm:GetCommState OK trace:comm:dump_dcb bytesize=8 baudrate=19200 fParity=0 Parity=0 stopbits=1 trace:comm:dump_dcb ~IXON ~IXOFF trace:comm:dump_dcb fOutxCtsFlow=0 fRtsControl=0 trace:comm:dump_dcb fOutxDsrFlow=0 fDtrControl=1 trace:comm:dump_dcb ~CRTSCTS trace:comm:dump_dcb bytesize=8 baudrate=19200 fParity=0 Parity=0 stopbits=1 trace:comm:dump_dcb ~IXON ~IXOFF trace:comm:dump_dcb fOutxCtsFlow=0 fRtsControl=1 trace:comm:dump_dcb fOutxDsrFlow=0 fDtrControl=1 trace:comm:dump_dcb ~CRTSCTS trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE 0x34f988 4 (nil) 0 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL 0x34f98d 3 (nil) 0 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_HANDFLOW 0x34f970 16 (nil) 0 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_CHARS 0x34f982 6 (nil) 0 0x34f914 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE 0x34f98c 8 (nil) 0 0x34f930 fixme:comm:set_queue_size insize 1024 outsize 1024 unimplemented stub trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS (nil) 0 0x61b196c8 20 0x61b19660 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS (nil) 0 0x61b196c8 20 0x61b19660 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS (nil) 0 0x61b196c8 20 0x61b19660 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS (nil) 0 0x61b196c8 20 0x61b19660 trace:comm:io_control 0x144 IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS (nil) 0 0x61b196c8 20 0x61b19660
last line is repeating and then nothing hapens. It looks like delay issue to me, but I'm not a programmer.
Can someone help, plese.
Thanks, Ales