----- Original Message ----- From: Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts@telusplanet.net To: Dustin Navea speeddymon@ev1.net Cc: wine-devel@winehq.com Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:30 AM Subject: Re: Doc building update, finally
Dustin Navea wrote:
I finally got SGMLtools installed and went to build the doc. Only problem is that instead of it outputting to files it prints the output on screen. Is there a flag that I may be missing or what? I'm using SGMLTools pre-compiled and built.. Downloaded from
and installed using pkgtool which comes with slackware..
P.S. Any outputs you need say from man or --help on docbook2html?
Well you are not the only one. I manually changed "SRCDIR = ." to RCDIR = .." in Makefile to make it work for me. The problem has shown up on bugzilla too. (bug 1164) http://bugs.winehq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1164
Ahh, I knew I remembered seeing something about that issue here but
remember the fix. I will try that tonight when I get home from work..
I think that Vincent has not given up on this (yet?) However its not a
simple fix since various distributions have thier db2html and docbook2html set up differently. he mentioned bypassing the whole issue by using our
db2html-winehq instead. I have mixed feelings about this but I see no
solution other than making configure unbearably complicated.
Hmm, I remember that someone had a copy of *2html that had -d set up to putput to dvi, what version of *2html was it? Maybe its the fact that it
an old version or that it isnt the standard jadewrapper? Either way, why not have configure check how to specify the .dsl file in much the same way we check for certain gcc flags? Or is that not possible?
As far as your output what are the first couple of lines from "make html
I will post it when I get home from work..
Dustin Navea wrote:
Hmm, I remember that someone had a copy of *2html that had -d set up to putput to dvi, what version of *2html was it? Maybe its the fact that it
It was in Suse's latest release (8.1). Their wrapper use "-s" for the dsl file, but translates it to "-d" before feeding it to jade.