if (vt == VT_CLSID)
id->u.puuid = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID));
if (!id->u.puuid) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = UuidFromStringW(next_token.u.bstrVal, id->u.puuid);
hr = PropVariantChangeType(id, &next_token, 0, vt);
if (hr != S_OK)
return hr;
id->vt = vt;
Assigning the vt at the end of this is a bit strange. I don't know any situation here where PropVariantChangeType will succeed without giving you the requested vt, and if it did, changing it would be unsafe.
I can see you need it in the VT_CLSID case, but then it would make more sense to set it there. In fact, this version will leak memory if UuidFromStringW fails.
+ if (!elem.len) break;
When can this happen?
+ new_value.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; + hr = MetadataQueryReader_CreateInstance(This->block, root, (IWICMetadataQueryReader **)&new_value.u.punkVal);
I think you need to clear new_value first here?
Vincent Povirk madewokherd@gmail.com wrote:
if (vt == VT_CLSID)
id->u.puuid = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID));
if (!id->u.puuid) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = UuidFromStringW(next_token.u.bstrVal, id->u.puuid);
hr = PropVariantChangeType(id, &next_token, 0, vt);
if (hr != S_OK)
return hr;
id->vt = vt;
Assigning the vt at the end of this is a bit strange. I don't know any situation here where PropVariantChangeType will succeed without giving you the requested vt, and if it did, changing it would be unsafe.
I can see you need it in the VT_CLSID case, but then it would make more sense to set it there. In fact, this version will leak memory if UuidFromStringW fails.
Thanks for spotting this bug.
if (!elem.len) break;
When can this happen?
This could happen when the query ends with '/'. That's something that I noticed while playing with my test app, I have not included a test case for this in the test suite though.
new_value.vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
hr = MetadataQueryReader_CreateInstance(This->block,
root, (IWICMetadataQueryReader **)&new_value.u.punkVal);
I think you need to clear new_value first here?
Yep, thanks.