I am continually amazed at how well Wine emulates Windows - for example, my recent experiences show Wine has the whole "Just re-install it, it will fix it" thing down pat! 8^>
To recap the story thus far - Several months ago, I was able to play Halflife- Opposing force all the way through under Wine. Then my motherboard died, and I replaced it with an SMP mobo. I had to do some tweaks to my kernel, my X server, and to Wine to get everybody back up. But when I was done, and I went to install Halflife-Blue shift, the textures were screwed up. So were the textures in OpFor. I tried booting UMP, I tried scraping the fake Windows install and reinstalling, to no avail. Friday, I downloaded Transgamings WineX in an effort to remove a few variables from the matrix. WineX ran BlueShift and OpFor flawlessly - exonerating my X server, kernel and system.
So, this morning I set about trying to find out what changed in Wine.
I went back and pulled Wine as of the 20020902 tag, and rebuilt. Then I did my usual install method: rm /usr/local/winelibs /usr/local/include/wine /usr/local/bin/win* -R && make install
Still had no luck with Halflife - still had corrupted textures.
So, I moved my fake Windows and .wine directories out of the way, created new, empty directories, copied my old .wine/config over, re-installed the Wine default registry, and re-installed Blueshift.
And it worked.
OK, maybe the install had problems. I moved my new fake windows and .wine directories out of the way, and moved the old directories back.
And still, it worked. All textures were fine.
Note: at this point, I should have had the OLD install of Blueshift back in place, and the old registry. The very one that didn't work five paragraphs ago.
So, I went to my image of the current CVS of Wine, rebuilt it, and once again did a rm /usr/local/winelibs /usr/local/include/wine /usr/local/bin/win* -R && make install.
And still, it worked.
In theory, I should have been back to where I started from. Except where I started from didn't work. Where I was did.
Now, I am at a loss as to what could have changed from the non-working state to the working state. Like I said, Wine has the whole Windows "mysterious changes" thing down pat!
But it works.
As Bugs Bunny said, "I don't ask questions, I just have fun." So, I am off to kill some headcrabs.
But for the life of me I don't know HOW what I did fixed it....