Ben Taylor wrote:
I'm still working on the script to make it more "sh" compatible, but I think I have a potential fix for the line that reads:
for i in $(get_menu_entries "$1"); do
and replace it with
for i in `get_menu_entries "$1"`; do
What is the problem with this particular part? What shell are you using that doesn't understand $() command expansion? Even the basic BSD "sh" does support this. However this doesn't really affect anything, and should work in all shells too.
The problem with the get_menu_entries function is that the awk uses the match function, which is only available in gawk and nawk, and julliard didn't like my idea of making the script just use gawk or nawk, so I have to rewrite the function to look like this:
get_menu_entries() { tmp="$xdg_config_dir/$"
if [ -r "$tmp" ] ; then awk ' BEGIN { RS="<" } /^Filename/ { RSTART=index($0,">"); if (RSTART > 0) { print substr($0,RSTART+1) } }' $tmp
This looks reasonable to me. Wine uses match() to find a matching ">" so index() would do just fine.