Since the work on the listview rewrite has started, the listview has regressed big time. Running Delorme's AAA MapNGo V4.0, the "Along the way" window HAS-A listview into which are inserted the items found.
This used to work in the old code, but now nothing is shown. I know the items themselves are being inserted.
What can I do to help on this? Would posting a debug message dump showing the list items being inserted be of use?
I'm not a Windows programmer, so I don't know how quickly I could actually come up to speed on the code itself, but I am quite willing to try code out and report on the success or failure of it.
Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On October 15, 2002 10:04 pm, David D. Hagood wrote:
What can I do to help on this? Would posting a debug message dump showing the list items being inserted be of use?
Yes, please send me a trace of: --debugmsg +listview
And if you can, screenshots with the said listview with it working, and not working....
OK, the files are here:
This file contains the following directory structure: wine/working - captures from an earlier version of wine that works wine/notworking - captures from the current (within a day or two) CVS
In each directory, there is a log file created with wine --debugmsg +listview,+treeview
as well as 2 screen captures, one of the main application screen, and one of the "Along the way" dialog.
I tried to keep the interaction with the program identical in each case: 1) Launch program with the trip already defined. 2) Compute quickest route 3) <snapshot main screen> 4) Compute along the way 5) <snapshot along the way dialog> 6) Quit 7) "Do you want to save your changes" -> NO
The two runs were done on different machines (my laptop has the working version, and my main screen the non-working version), but the installed application is the same in both cases. I have pulled the Wine version from my laptop over to my main machine, but I don't have it installed right now, and I wanted to get this done before I went to work.
If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.
On October 16, 2002 07:59 am, David D. Hagood wrote:
This file contains the following directory structure: wine/working - captures from an earlier version of wine that works wine/notworking - captures from the current (within a day or two) CVS
I guess the problem with the main screen is that the listview to the left mangles long items when drawing them, just like in the attached picture, right? If so, you haven't tried the latest patches... ;) Can you please confirm it's OK now?
About the other problem -- I don't know, I have to run to a meeting now, but I'll look at it when I get back.
On October 16, 2002 07:59 am, David D. Hagood wrote:
In each directory, there is a log file created with wine --debugmsg +listview,+treeview
as well as 2 screen captures, one of the main application screen, and one of the "Along the way" dialog.
You seem to be using an old version. Please update to the latest CVS, and resubmit the trace, if things aren't working.
Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
I guess the problem with the main screen is that the listview to the left mangles long items when drawing them, just like in the attached picture, right? If so, you haven't tried the latest patches... ;) Can you please confirm it's OK now?
I can confirm the listview in the main window is not showing the corruption. However, I can also confirm that the problem in the "Along the way" window is still present, as you can see in this file:
This is with a CVS pull of about an hour ago.
I do have an additional datum - If I create a very LARGE list of items (Along the way->all within 50 miles, no filtering) a FEW of the items show on the list.
On October 16, 2002 10:54 pm, David D. Hagood wrote:
I can confirm the listview in the main window is not showing the corruption.
However, I can also confirm that the problem in the "Along the way" window is still present, as you can see in this file:
I know what the problem is, expect a patch soon. Now I'm off to bed.
Thanks for helping nailing this one.
On October 17, 2002 01:12 am, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
I know what the problem is, expect a patch soon. Now I'm off to bed.
I changed my mind :) Try S6, let me know if that fixes it.