"Magnus" == Magnus Olsen magnus@itkonsult-olsen.com writes:
Magnus> in function deformat_environment did cut of one letter of Magnus> GetEnvironmentVariableW at beigner in second call. it try found Magnus> example LLUSERSPROFILE but it mean ALLUSERSPROFILE. fixed by me Magnus> and hpussin. in ReactOS Magnus Olsen greatlord@reactos.com
Magnus> begin 666 format.c.patch Magnus> M26YD97@Z(&1L;',O;7-I+V9O<FUA="YC#0H]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]
please follow our patch convention: - unified diffs from below the wine directory - as plain text attachment (makes it easier to read for the list)
If patches get not applied, resubmit. You'll get some reaction from Alexandre after some time.