Is there a good example WINE configuration for running a simple console program (using wineconsole)?
For example, the windows tree.com program?
I'm actually trying to run TLIB (version control software from Dave Burton Systems, www.burtonsys.com ) under linux, and am so confused I want to start with a working example first. I'm new to linux, tlib, and wine!
I know it can be done, because Dave Burton had it working, but lost his notes.
I got the "WINE Administrators Handbook", but it doesnt mention wineconsole at all.
I am able to get TLIB to sort-of-run, but apparently still have far to go.
- Bill
Le jeu 17/10/2002 à 14:09, Bill Holland a écrit :
Is there a good example WINE configuration for running a simple console program (using wineconsole)?
For example, the windows tree.com program?
I don't know about wineconsole (Éric?), but for CUI DOS/WIN32 programs the ttydrv driver (in place of the x11drv) works.
It lauches in whichever terminal is presently used: console, ssh, xterm. I'm not sure about doing fancy "graphics" with it though. But if TLIB has the same UI as cvs, then it should be good (at least on the UI front).
Is there a good example WINE configuration for running a simple console program (using wineconsole)?
wineconsole tree.com should do the trick
in more details, you can either: 1/ choose to run your program in the (unix) console where you type the command with "wine tree.com" 2/ or dedicate a specific console for your app "wineconsole tree.com" option 1 is better for integration with unix tools option 2 is better in terms of Wine internal handling, and may be less buggy (depending on what your program does)
I got the "WINE Administrators Handbook", but it doesnt mention wineconsole at all.
this book is rather old (and Wine did evolve a lot since it has been written)