I spent some time this evening playing around with trying to get wine sound output to go through pulseaudio on my fc8/rawhide (x86_64) box. I tried wine 0.9.43 (built), 0.9.47 (fc8 rpm), and Crossover 6.2.0. I was testing with Steam/TF2, but found that the same issue comes up with a install of Winamp Lite using its default DirectSound output plugin. If I configure nothing and let wine grab the soundcard (I have an Audigy, so it allows multiple streams), it works fine. If I configure it to use pulseaudio through the alsa plugin, it hangs. I see the stream show up in the pulseaudio volume control, but nothing plays and winamp's meter and progress bar are inactive. The "Test Sound" button in winecfg works and shows up in pavucontrol as a mono stream. I've tried numerous variations on emulation and bitrates with no change. I didn't have any luck getting the ESD support (which would go straight to PA) to even show up in winecfg, even after forcing it in regedit. I probably missed something obvious.
I'll do some more debugging tomorrow, but I thought I'd throw my config out there for others to experiment with and ridicule. There isn't much out on Google about this kind of config yet, but I expect there will be more requests as the popularity of pulseaudio goes up, especially with the release of fc8. I think the latest Ubuntu has it enabled by default, too.
Did anybody actually write a patch to directly support pulseaudio or was the earlier discussion devoid of code?
My registry mods and .asoundrc for using the alsa/pulseaudio plugin are attached. Getting pulseaudio is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
Thanks, -Al
Hi Al,
Al Tobey schreef:
I spent some time this evening playing around with trying to get wine sound output to go through pulseaudio on my fc8/rawhide (x86_64) box. I tried wine 0.9.43 (built), 0.9.47 (fc8 rpm), and Crossover 6.2.0. I was testing with Steam/TF2, but found that the same issue comes up with a install of Winamp Lite using its default DirectSound output plugin. If I configure nothing and let wine grab the soundcard (I have an Audigy, so it allows multiple streams), it works fine. If I configure it to use pulseaudio through the alsa plugin, it hangs.
Why would you do 'alsa -> pulseaudio -> alsa'? I'm not surprised it wouldn't work. It is more likely a problem with the audio system then with wine, however if you do WINEDEBUG=+wave,+tid,+dsalsa you have a chance of tracking it down yourself.
Cheers, Maarten.
On 10/31/07, Maarten Lankhorst m.b.lankhorst@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Al,
Al Tobey schreef:
I spent some time this evening playing around with trying to get wine sound output to go through pulseaudio on my fc8/rawhide (x86_64) box. I tried wine 0.9.43 (built), 0.9.47 (fc8 rpm), and Crossover 6.2.0. I was testing with Steam/TF2, but found that the same issue comes up with a install of Winamp Lite using its default DirectSound output plugin. If I configure nothing and let wine grab the soundcard (I have an Audigy, so it allows multiple streams), it works fine. If I configure it to use pulseaudio through the alsa plugin, it hangs.
Why would you do 'alsa -> pulseaudio -> alsa'? I'm not surprised it wouldn't work. It is more likely a problem with the audio system then with wine, however if you do WINEDEBUG=+wave,+tid,+dsalsa you have a chance of tracking it down yourself.
I'm just trying it out as it seems to be the recommended way of mixing native alsa apps through pulseaudio. It works fine for all the other alsa apps I tried.
I'll try the debug stuff out this weekend and see if I can track anything down. Thanks for providing the right flags to start with. It would be really neat to have all my audio piped through one mixer with all of PA's features.
I didn't test pulseaudio nor looked at your .asoundrc , but there are some non-obvious pitfalls when configuring such stuff in .asoundrc . But the fault may also be that the pulseaudio alsa plugin doesn't fully behave like normal alsa does. Wine is pretty sensitive to such things (even to e.g. non-default dmix settings), but most other alsa applications are not.
I made tests with the alsa plugin from jack and wine and mplayer also had problems with that.
And, yes, their alsa plugin should be the recommended way to use wine (and other applications) with pulseaudio or jack. I imagine it would be good for those projects to have their alsa plugin working properly.
On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 12:20:15AM -0700, Al Tobey wrote:
I'm just trying it out as it seems to be the recommended way of mixing native alsa apps through pulseaudio. It works fine for all the other alsa apps I tried.
Does mplayer work that way without problems? It's the only other application I know of where I experienced similar problems.
I now tested wine (and mplayer) with pulseaudio through the alsa plugin and it worked just fine. I'm positively impressed by pulseaudio. The bug with alsa where it played random noise at the start because the buffer was not correctly cleared also doesn't appear with this setup. The winmm wave test hangs at some varying point (but does not with plain alsa), but I didn't investigate that, yet.
On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 01:24:20AM -0700, Al Tobey wrote:
Did anybody actually write a patch to directly support pulseaudio or was the earlier discussion devoid of code?
Nobody showed up with any code. And AFAIK nobody who actually codes on wine requested a winepulseaudio.
My registry mods and .asoundrc for using the alsa/pulseaudio plugin are attached. Getting pulseaudio is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
I didn't notice it the first time I read your mail, but you didn't set pcm.!default and thus you manually need to select that for alsa applications. Though you did that in the registry I suspect it didn't work and wine tried the default. Pulseaudio obviously blocks your soundcard as it requests a direct hw device without dmix from alsa.