So Jeremy was very gracious not to point fingers, but anyone that saw the patch queue this morning probably figured I had something to do with the mail-list failing. I honestly don't know what happened beyond what I wrote in my bug report from around lunch today:
Just to be safe, I plan to switch over to my Gmail account for submitting any patches here. Between this and the side-effects from my one CSS patch though, I'm starting to feel a bit like a bull in a china-shop. There were a few last changes I planned to make, but then I think I should step back from Wine for a little while, if only not to tempt the Fates.
I know for many of you, Wine is your bread-and-butter so I really hope a day with the list gone pear-shaped hasn't set you back. If there are any lingering problems I can help with, or you want me to do any tests to get to the bottom of what happened, just let me know.
Enjoy your evening, everyone, Kyle