I have the following problems with WINE, CVS version as of yesterday and Crystal Impact's Diamond http://www.crystalimpact.com/diamond/ http://www.crystalimpact.com/download/diamond/demo/dm2demo.exe, which installs flawlessly.
a) I get a err:opengl:X11DRV_ChoosePixelFormat Flag not supported when I open e.g. ./Samples/Minerals/Copper.dsf and a dialogbox with the following text is shown: ChoosePixelFormat() returns 0 (last error = 0) SetPixelFormat() returns 1 (last error = 0) wglCreateContext() returns 0 (last error 2000) wglMakeCurrent() returns 1 (last error = 0) (Workaround: disable rendering)
b) Some data is displayed as list, e.g. like http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond_list.png under WINE this is completely mangled: http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~tburnus/wine/diamond_list_wine.png Sometimes some spread numbers appear, but in this case one can only mark cells.
Any ideas how to fix/debug this? (I have unfortunally no experience at all in programming in Wine/Windows.) Anyone volunteering to look at this? I'm willing to spend some $$ (but not $$$) on that (I know that this is not much, but some rewarding of volunteer work doesn't hurd either).