Alexandre Julliard wrote:
Eric Pouech writes:
- access to PROCESS_PARAMETERS from kernel32: currently this is done
by exporting a function pointer from ntdll, but this is not a good
solution IMO. Should we better: 1/ create a real PEB and store it at
its real offset. 2/ store the pointer to PROCESS_PARAMETER in the PDB
(even if it doesn't exist in PDB but in PEB) at an unused offset (I
don't think it's really doable to merge PDB and PEB, or we'll have to
trash PDB.exit_code)
PDB and PEB are really the same thing, so they definitely have to be
easier said than done
if I make a side by side comparison (see wide text file attached) there
are very few similarities:
- except at the offsets 0x008 and 0x018 where we have similar items, the
rest is quite different
- I added the offset we actually (and explicitely) use from the PDB (r
means the offset is read from code, w means written. I assume the -w
case is when we expect some program to directly access the fields)
so I'll add the PROCESS_PARAMETERS pointer in the merged PDB/PEB at an
unused offset (as 0x10 is already used by the PDB). 0x14 will do fine.
Eric Pouech
Offset |PDB |PEB
000 |LONG header[2]; Kernel object header |BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace;
| |BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions;
| |BOOLEAN BeingDebugged;
| |BOOLEAN Spare;
004 | |HANDLE Mutant;
008 rw |HMODULE module; Main exe module (NT) |PVOID ImageBaseAddress;
00C |void* event; Pointer to an event object (unused) |PPEB_LDR_DATA LoaderData;
010 -w |DWORD exit_code; Process exit code |PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ProcessParameters;
014 |DWORD unknown2; Unknown |PVOID SubSystemData;
018 rw |HANDLE heap; Default process heap |PVOID ProcessHeap;
01C |HANDLE mem_context; Process memory context |PVOID FastPebLock;
020 rw |DWORD flags; Flags |PPEBLOCKROUTINE FastPebLockRoutine;
024 |void* pdb16; DOS PSP |PPEBLOCKROUTINE FastPebUnlockRoutine;
028 |WORD PSP_sel; Selector to DOS PSP |ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount;
|WORD imte; IMTE for the process module |
02C -w |WORD threads; Number of threads |PPVOID KernelCallbackTable;
-w |WORD running_threads;Number of running threads |
030 |WORD free_lib_count; Recursion depth of FreeLibrary calls |PVOID EventLogSection;
|WORD ring0_threads; Number of ring 0 threads |
034 |HANDLE system_heap; System heap to allocate handles |PVOID EventLog;
038 |HTASK task; Win16 task |PPEB_FREE_BLOCK FreeList;
03C |void* mem_map_files; Pointer to mem-mapped files |ULONG TlsExpansionCounter;
040 -w |struct _ENVDB* env_db; Environment database |PVOID TlsBitmap;
044 |void* handle_table; Handle table |ULONG TlsBitmapBits[0x2];
048 |struct _PDB* parent; Parent process |
04C |void* modref_list; MODREF list |PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
050 |void* thread_list; List of threads |PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
054 |void* debuggee_CB; Debuggee context block |PPVOID ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
058 |void* local_heap_free;Head of local heap free list |PVOID AnsiCodePageData;
05C |DWORD unknown4; Unknown |PVOID OemCodePageData;
060 |CRITICAL_SECTION crit_section; Critical section |PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData;
064 | |ULONG NumberOfProcessors;
068 | |ULONG NtGlobalFlag;
06C | |BYTE Spare2[0x4];
070 | |LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout;
078 |DWORD unknown5[3]; Unknown |ULONG HeapSegmentReserve;
07C | |ULONG HeapSegmentCommit;
080 | |ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
084 |void* console; Console |ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
088 rw |DWORD tls_bits[2]; TLS in-use bits |ULONG NumberOfHeaps;
08C | |ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
090 rw |DWORD process_dword; Unknown |PPVOID*ProcessHeaps;
094 -w |struct _PDB* group; Process group |PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable;
098 |void* exe_modref; MODREF for the process EXE |PVOID ProcessStarterHelper;
09C |void* top_filter; Top exception filter |PVOID GdiDCAttributeList;
0A0 -w |DWORD priority; Priority level |PVOID LoaderLock;
0A4 |HANDLE heap_list; Head of process heap list |ULONG OSMajorVersion;
0A8 |void* heap_handles; Head of heap handles list |ULONG OSMinorVersion;
0AC |DWORD unknown6; Unknown |ULONG OSBuildNumber;
0B0 |void* console_provider; Console provider (??) |ULONG OSPlatformId;
0B4 |WORD env_selector; Selector to process environment |ULONG ImageSubSystem;
rw |WORD error_mode; Error mode |
0B8 r |HANDLE load_done_evt; Event for process loading done |ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion;
0BC |void* UTState; Head of Univeral Thunk list |ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion;
0C0 |DWORD unknown8; Unknown (NT) |ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[0x22];
0C4 |LCID locale; Locale queried by GetThreadLocale (NT) |
104 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine;
104 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine;
108 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|ULONG TlsExpansionBitmap;
10C |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|BYTE TlsExpansionBitmapBits[0x80];
18C |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|ULONG SessionId;