"Anatoly Lyutin" vostok@etersoft.ru wrote:
@@ -33,7 +33,20 @@ static void output(const char *message) { DWORD count;
- WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), message, strlen(message), &count, NULL);
WCHAR *bufW;
char *bufC;
int len = strlen(message);
bufW = calloc(len+1,sizeof(WCHAR));
bufC = calloc(len+1,sizeof(CHAR));
Please do not use calloc/malloc calls in the Wine code, use win32 API HeapAlloc instead.
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, message, len, bufW, len );
WideCharToMultiByte( GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, bufW, len, bufC, len, NULL, NULL );
bufC[len] = '\0';
Please refer to other parts of Wine code how to properly allocate space for this kind of a conversion.