While implementing this Functions, I have some Question for the Interface of:
shell32.dll SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL*
1. HWND hwnd 2. DWORD dwArg2 3. LTCSTR szCommand / LPCWSTR wszCommand 4. DWORD dwArg4
Question for 2: What is this Parameter for? (Seems to always be 0x77d8000. => last ptr for winvdm.exe)
Question for 3: What Parameter / Which Commands did you knew? FontsFolder PrintersFolder AddPrinter PrintTestPage Connect Disconnect
Question for 4: What is this Flags-Parameter for? (Seems to always be 0xa.)
"Detlef Riekenberg" wine.dev@web.de wrote:
While implementing this Functions, I have some Question for the Interface of:
shell32.dll SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL*
- HWND hwnd
- DWORD dwArg2
- LTCSTR szCommand / LPCWSTR wszCommand
- DWORD dwArg4
Question for 2: What is this Parameter for? (Seems to always be 0x77d8000. => last ptr for winvdm.exe)
Question for 3: What Parameter / Which Commands did you knew? FontsFolder PrintersFolder AddPrinter PrintTestPage Connect Disconnect
Question for 4: What is this Flags-Parameter for? (Seems to always be 0xa.)
I think that answers to most of the above questions you could find by taking rundll32.exe from win2k or XP, feeding all kinds of different arguments and running it under Wine with +relay,+snoop trace.
Google(-groups) knows something as well:
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_Ru-nDLL PrintersFolder
Am Montag, den 23.05.2005, 15:21 +0900 schrieb Dmitry Timoshkov:
shell32.dll SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL*
Question for 3: What Parameter / Which Commands did you knew? FontsFolder PrintersFolder AddPrinter PrintTestPage Connect Disconnect
I think that answers to most of the above questions you could find by taking rundll32.exe from win2k or XP, feeding all kinds of different arguments and running it under Wine with +relay,+snoop trace.
I found the best way for the parameters, after i send the message: <wine-source-root>/programs/rundll32/rundll32.c
(hwnd, instance, cmdline, info.wShowWindow) Helper:
instance = GetModulehandleW(NULL) GetStartupInfoW(&info)
Sorry for asking this part to fast.
Google(-groups) knows something as well: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder
I found the above Commands with Google and Google-Groups, but i ask the ml-members for more known Commands and detailed Informations.
"PrintTestPage" does not work in win98/w2k and i have no winxp to test.