My son got a cd-rom game for xmas, so of course I tried it in Wine. It installs fine, but the app just hangs unless you started X with -depth 8. (And even then the colors are all wrong, but that's a different problem.)
X's randr extension was originally going to allow switching screen resolutions, but they pulled that feature (see )
So what's Wine to do? Can we somehow tell Wine to emulate 256 color mode for particular apps? That seems to be what the X folks want us to do, guessing by the randr paper. - Dan
On Tuesday January 2 2007 00:43, Dan Kegel wrote:
So what's Wine to do? Can we somehow tell Wine to emulate 256 color mode for particular apps?
You can try to launch game like this:
wine explorer /desktop=Game,800x600 game.exe
At least for me this simple trick helps sometimes.
On 1/2/07, L. Rahyen wrote:
So what's Wine to do? Can we somehow tell Wine to emulate 256 color mode for particular apps?
You can try to launch game like this:
wine explorer /desktop=Game,800x600 game.exe
At least for me this simple trick helps sometimes.
Thanks for the tip. Doesn't help in this case, though. The app sits in a loop, waiting forever for the screen to do something magic, I suppose. +relay output appended for the curious. - Dan
... 000e:Call gdi32.CreateICA(00fae4fc "DISPLAY",00000000,00000000,00000000) ret=00f a28b7 000e:Ret gdi32.CreateICA() retval=00001208 ret=00fa28b7 000e:Call gdi32.GetDeviceCaps(00001208,00000008) ret=00fa28ff 000e:Ret gdi32.GetDeviceCaps() retval=00000320 ret=00fa28ff ... 000e:Call user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA(0034f734,00000002) ret=00fa21f9 000e:Call winex11.drv.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(00000000,0034f558,00000000,0000000 2,00000000) ret=7ec4bb39 000e:Ret winex11.drv.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() retval=00000000 ret=7ec4bb39 000e:Ret user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA() retval=00000000 ret=00fa21f9 000e:Call kernel32.lstrcatA(00fb0420 "800 600 16 0 noninterlaced color dynamic\r 320 200 16 0 noninterlaced color dynamic\r400 300 16 0 noninterlaced color dynam ic\r512 384 16 0 noninterlaced color dynamic\r640 480 16 0 noninterlaced color d ynamic\r1024 768 16 0 noninterlaced color dynamic\r800 600 8 0 noninterlaced col or dynamic\r320 200"...,00fae148 "dynamic") ret=00fa226f 000e:Ret kernel32.lstrcatA() retval=00fb0420 ret=00fa226f 000e:Call user32.EnumDisplaySettingsA(00000000,00000012,0034f734) ret=00fa20ce 000e:Call winex11.drv.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(00000000,00000012,0034f548,00000000) ret=7ec4bcde 000e:Ret winex11.drv.EnumDisplaySettingsEx() retval=00000000 ret=7ec4bcde 000e:Ret user32.EnumDisplaySettingsA() retval=00000000 ret=00fa20ce 000e:Call kernel32.GetTickCount() ret=00459289 000e:Ret kernel32.GetTickCount() retval=0002bc87 ret=00459289 000e:Call kernel32.GetTickCount() ret=0049b7c4 000e:Ret kernel32.GetTickCount() retval=0002bc87 ret=0049b7c4 000e:Call user32.PeekMessageA(0034fc58,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000001) ret= 0049b823 000e:Call winex11.drv.MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(00000000,00000000,00000000,000 004ff,00000000) ret=7ec34c3b 000e:Ret winex11.drv.MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx() retval=00000102 ret=7ec34c3b 000e:Ret user32.PeekMessageA() retval=00000000 ret=0049b823 000e:Call user32.GetAsyncKeyState(0000001b) ret=0049b8ab 000e:Call winex11.drv.GetAsyncKeyState(0000001b) ret=7ec16bb3 000e:Ret winex11.drv.GetAsyncKeyState() retval=00000000 ret=7ec16bb3 000e:Ret user32.GetAsyncKeyState() retval=00000000 ret=0049b8ab 000e:Call user32.GetAsyncKeyState(00000011) ret=0049b8b4 000e:Call winex11.drv.GetAsyncKeyState(00000011) ret=7ec16bb3 000e:Ret winex11.drv.GetAsyncKeyState() retval=00000000 ret=7ec16bb3 000e:Ret user32.GetAsyncKeyState() retval=00000000 ret=0049b8b4 ... repeat above over and over forever.
On Wednesday January 3 2007 06:22, Dan Kegel wrote:
On 1/2/07, L. Rahyen wrote:
So what's Wine to do? Can we somehow tell Wine to emulate 256 color mode for particular apps?
You can try to launch game like this:
wine explorer /desktop=Game,800x600 game.exe
At least for me this simple trick helps sometimes.
Thanks for the tip. Doesn't help in this case, though. The app sits in a loop, waiting forever for the screen to do something magic, I suppose. +relay output appended for the curious.
Please file a bug report against this bug to bugzilla: . If possible add link to demo-version of the game (if it is available of course).