Francois Gouget writes:
Clarify two other link names to avoid confusion.
I did not test this patch so it should be verified carefully before committing. I recently found myself annoyed that I could not go from a page such as this one:
to what I call that test's summary page:
Of course 'summary' referred instead to the page with all the 'build results' which I found very confusing. So I renamed it to just that ('build results', not 'confusing' <g>). Then I renamed the 'index' link to 'home' since it points to the winetest site's landing page (aka its 'home' page).
I'm not sure that's better. Particularly since that summary page is helpfully called "Main summary", it's not that confusing.
The version info is obtained on other pages by clicking on the test tag, so we could potentially display the test tag on the individual test page too.