Message du 07/03/05 06:01 De : "Dmitry Timoshkov" A : "Maxime Bellengé" Copie à : Objet : Re: [x11drv] Fix X11DRV_set_wm_hints
"Maxime Bellengé" wrote:
I don't agree with you because, if the application don't call this with the HTCAPTION parameter
PostMessage( WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM( point.x, point.y));
but with HTLEFT, HTRIGHT ... the WM must resize the window I think.
I wondered first if MWM_FUNC_RESIZE should be added but I think it is correct.
If WS_THICKFRAME style is not set, then a window is not supposed to be resized by WM, that's the point. SetWindowPos still will be able to resize a window.
-- Dmitry.
Ok, I've re-read the docs and you're right. Sorry to have insisted wrongly and thanks for making me notice the problem.
I will resend a correct patch.