Dear WineHQ developer,
I write this because I installed your program to authenticate Logic Pro X by following this guide:
1) Uninstalling WineHQ by removing it from the Applications section does not remove even the Codecs that have been installed. I would like to know how you can completely remove the application.
2) Following the program FAQ in the Unistall section (4.1 and 4.4) at the link: I inserted those codes on the terminal of my Mac and in this mode it has been removed all the files on the Mac! It's a nice mess because I lost all my documents! All the application data and all user files on the Mac have been erased. The Mac is also unable to shut down. Can they be recovered with inverse codes?
I need help urgently! *I await your urgent reply as soon as possible.*
Thank you,
*Emanuele Caracci - - +39/3461314467* [image: image.png]
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Hello Emanuele,
please don't send your mail to completely unrelated mailing lists. If anything, that increases the chance your mail is ignored. I get that your problem is urgent, but annoying people is not a good approach.
- Following the program FAQ in the Unistall section (4.1 and 4.4) at the
link: I inserted those codes on the terminal of my Mac and in this mode it has been removed all the files on the Mac! It's a nice mess because I lost all my documents! All the application data and all user files on the Mac have been erased. The Mac is also unable to shut down. Can they be recovered with inverse codes?
Deleting wine files should never mess with your Mac itself. What exactly did you run? The wrong commands can ruin your system. If files are really deleted, your chances are grim. You might try file recovery (there's companies specializing on that), but that's not really a matter of wine development, is it?
Regards, Fabian Maurer
On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 15:20:48 +0200 Emanuele Caracci wrote:
- Uninstalling WineHQ by removing it from the Applications section does
not remove even the Codecs that have been installed. I would like to know how you can completely remove the application.
Delete the wineprefix from within your file manager, as recommended by the first paragraph in secion 4.4 of the FAQ.
- Following the program FAQ in the Unistall section (4.1 and 4.4) at the
link: I inserted those codes on the terminal of my Mac and in this mode it has been removed all the files on the Mac! It's a nice mess because I lost all my documents! All the application data and all user files on the Mac have been erased. The Mac is also unable to shut down. Can they be recovered with inverse codes?
From what you describe, my guess is that you tried to type the commands yourself rather than copying/pasting as the FAQ specifies, and you mistyped something (probably put a space between the / and .). There is no way to undo that command. The OS will have to be reinstalled and your documents restored from a backup (if you have one).
If you have further questions, please post them on The developer's list is not meant for user support.