Is there a Wine wiki anywhere? If not, I think there should be, I'm always coming across random useful bits of info that it makes sense to note down somewhere, but writing and submitting a patch against the Wine Docbook sources is too much effort (or it doesn't fit neatly into a category).
Would it be possible to run one on WineHQ? Jeremy?
thanks -mike
On November 3, 2003 05:35 am, Mike Hearn wrote:
Is there a Wine wiki anywhere?
Even if there is, if you don't know about it, it just shows it's way to hidden to be useful. We need on nicely integrated into WineHQ, with a fair amount of visibility.
Hi Mike,
We had a FAQ-o-matic for a while.
It was, in my opinion (and with all due respect to Andreas), awful. Nobody other than Andi maintained it and it sprawled out of control and wasn't really of use to anyone.
I think searchable forums and well written FAQs are the way to go.
I find that projects with those two things work well for me; I find projects with Wiki's hard to navigate.
Now, with those two cents, and another $1.48, you can buy a cup of coffee.
Mike Hearn wrote:
Is there a Wine wiki anywhere? If not, I think there should be, I'm always coming across random useful bits of info that it makes sense to note down somewhere, but writing and submitting a patch against the Wine Docbook sources is too much effort (or it doesn't fit neatly into a category).
Would it be possible to run one on WineHQ? Jeremy?
thanks -mike
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 13:33, Jeremy White wrote:
Hi Mike,
We had a FAQ-o-matic for a while.
It was, in my opinion (and with all due respect to Andreas), awful. Nobody other than Andi maintained it and it sprawled out of control and wasn't really of use to anyone.
Well, a Wiki isn't an FAQ-o-matic (which I agree was not great). I was thinking more of a random scratch pad developers can use to note down useful tips, win32 oddities that don't fit better elsewhere, quick notes on bugs and so on....
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Jeremy White wrote:
I think searchable forums and well written FAQs are the way to go.
Mailing list archives are basically useless for the type of things that Mike referes to. The information is much too scattered to have a decent chance of finding anything relevant. Event if our search engine would work (which it mostly doesn't -- whenever I've tried to use it I get a heap of non-relevant bits, I have a _much_ better chance with Google. htdig just sucks IMO) it's still not good enough. What would you search for to get to the links Mike wants to post?
A Wiki would provide a nice scratch pad for this type of info, and when enough is entered, we can reorganize it (and promote it) as a regular HTML page like the others. I think it brings value (and no, I don't think it's the same as the old FOM).