Survey: "Motivation of Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) Developers"
We (Marc Röttig and Carl-Daniel Hailfinger) are currently working on a survey on the motivation of open source developers as part of a "Computer Science and Society" project at the CS department of the University of Tübingen. We invite every developer in the Free / Open Source Software community to help us with our survey by filling out a little web form to give us some hints on possible motivation-motifs of F/OSS-developers.
You can find the survey-form at
Privacy statement: We do not want to collect personal information about you without your agreement. That's why we do not ask for your name and give you the ability to leave personal information unspecified (age and profession). We (the authors) will not make the raw survey data available to anyone except members of our faculty for verification of proper scientific procedures in extracting the results.
Thank you in advance for your support. You can reach our CS faculty at