Vincent Povirk wrote:
From 1de9b2291bf9a5617ca1e3b0cba5f1260889c259 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Povirk Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:34:12 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] gdiplus: implement GdipTransformPoints
It's a strange way to check enumeration with integer comparison, isn't it? And not clear in this particular case.
- if (stat == Ok)
- {
unitscale = convert_unit(graphics->hdc, graphics->unit);
if(graphics->unit != UnitDisplay)
unitscale *= graphics->scale;
if (src_space <= CoordinateSpaceWorld && dst_space >= CoordinateSpacePage)
GdipMultiplyMatrix(matrix, graphics->worldtrans, MatrixOrderAppend);
if (src_space <= CoordinateSpacePage && dst_space >= CoordinateSpaceDevice)
GdipScaleMatrix(matrix, unitscale, unitscale, MatrixOrderAppend);
if (dst_space <= CoordinateSpacePage && src_space >= CoordinateSpaceDevice)
GdipScaleMatrix(matrix, 1.0/unitscale, 1.0/unitscale, MatrixOrderAppend);
if (dst_space <= CoordinateSpaceWorld && src_space >= CoordinateSpacePage)
GpMatrix *inverted_transform;
stat = GdipCloneMatrix(graphics->worldtrans, &inverted_transform);
if (stat == Ok)
GdipMultiplyMatrix(matrix, inverted_transform, MatrixOrderAppend);
Maybe it's better to use 'switch' for source coords with falling and ifs inside cases for destination.
<= CoordinateSpaceWorld is just CoordinateSpaceWorld
= CoordinateSpaceDevice - is CoordinateSpaceDevice.
It's odd, but it seems like the simplest way to write this.
I've tried what I think was your suggestion, and that's attached. I don't think it's an improvement.
Vincent Povirk
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
Vincent Povirk wrote:
From 1de9b2291bf9a5617ca1e3b0cba5f1260889c259 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Povirk Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:34:12 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] gdiplus: implement GdipTransformPoints
It's a strange way to check enumeration with integer comparison, isn't it? And not clear in this particular case.
- if (stat == Ok)
- {
- unitscale = convert_unit(graphics->hdc, graphics->unit);
- if(graphics->unit != UnitDisplay)
- unitscale *= graphics->scale;
- if (src_space <= CoordinateSpaceWorld && dst_space >=
- GdipMultiplyMatrix(matrix, graphics->worldtrans,
- if (src_space <= CoordinateSpacePage && dst_space >=
- GdipScaleMatrix(matrix, unitscale, unitscale,
- if (dst_space <= CoordinateSpacePage && src_space >=
- GdipScaleMatrix(matrix, 1.0/unitscale, 1.0/unitscale,
- if (dst_space <= CoordinateSpaceWorld && src_space >=
- {
- GpMatrix *inverted_transform;
- stat = GdipCloneMatrix(graphics->worldtrans,
- if (stat == Ok)
- {
- GdipInvertMatrix(inverted_transform);
- GdipMultiplyMatrix(matrix, inverted_transform,
- GdipDeleteMatrix(inverted_transform);
- }
Maybe it's better to use 'switch' for source coords with falling and ifs inside cases for destination.
<= CoordinateSpaceWorld is just CoordinateSpaceWorld
= CoordinateSpaceDevice - is CoordinateSpaceDevice.
Vincent Povirk wrote:
It's odd, but it seems like the simplest way to write this.
I've tried what I think was your suggestion, and that's attached. I don't think it's an improvement.
Vincent Povirk
Could be a single switch maybe. Don't know, looks better for me. Comparisons were really ugly here - a strict comparison should be used instead if you don't like switches.
Anyway it's just my thoughts.
Vincent Povirk writes:
It's odd, but it seems like the simplest way to write this.
I've tried what I think was your suggestion, and that's attached. I don't think it's an improvement.
You should short-circuit the src_space == dst_space case, that would simplify things a lot. Then you can probably have two switch statements, one to do src_space -> Page and then Page -> dst_space.