2009/6/26 Susan Cragin susancragin@earthlink.net:
Version 9 should be entirely deleted. That refers to the early 9.0 Preferred release, which is not available any more. 9.0 Preferred has been replaced by 9.5 Preferred, which is garbage like Standard. We should not have people buying DNS 9 Preferred and thinking it is installable when it is not.
The availability of obtaining a new version of the software now doesn't change the fact that it doesn't run ;) Though if no one is submitting new test results for non-ancient versions, I don't see any harm in removing it.
I'll do a little comment clean up on some of the DNS pages later today.
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 17:10, Susan Craginsusancragin@earthlink.net wrote:
With regard to Dragon NaturallySpeaking, I have the following comments.
Version 9 should be entirely deleted. That refers to the early 9.0 Preferred release, which is not available any more. 9.0 Preferred has been replaced by 9.5 Preferred, which is garbage like Standard. We should not have people buying DNS 9 Preferred and thinking it is installable when it is not.
Versions should not be deleted, especially not for programs sold on actual disks. A user may dig up an old copy somewhere and wonder whether it would work. If the version is deleted, he/she will not know and/or may recreate the page with his results.