$ for y in {2002..2007}; do \ n=$( git log | grep ^Date: | grep $y | wc -l ); \ echo "Number of commits in $y: $n"; \ done Number of commits in 2002: 3094 Number of commits in 2003: 3283 Number of commits in 2004: 3851 Number of commits in 2005: 6006 Number of commits in 2006: 8431 Number of commits in 2007: 9526
Hans Leidekker wrote:
$ for y in {2002..2007}; do \ n=$( git log | grep ^Date: | grep $y | wc -l ); \ echo "Number of commits in $y: $n"; \ done Number of commits in 2002: 3094 Number of commits in 2003: 3283 Number of commits in 2004: 3851 Number of commits in 2005: 6006 Number of commits in 2006: 8431 Number of commits in 2007: 9526
Got reminded but by the WWN that i wanted to send the numbers of authors.
$ for y in `seq 2002 2007`; do echo -n "Number of authors in $y: " git shortlog -s --since="$y-01-01 00:00" --until="$y-12-31 24:00" | wc -l done
Number of authors in 2002: 185 Number of authors in 2003: 167 Number of authors in 2004: 183 Number of authors in 2005: 212 Number of authors in 2006: 195 Number of authors in 2007: 218
bye michael