I want to use wGL in VGA.c to add bitplane support and other functionality. What would be the correct or "preferred" method of implementing this? As it stands I am looking at something like the following to bring in GL functions:
#include <GL/gl.h> typedef void (WINAPI *glClearColorProc)(float,float,float,float); static glClearColorProc ptr_glClearColor;
HMODULE wgl_Lib = LoadLibraryA("opengl32.dll"); if (wgl_Lib) { ptr_glClearColor = GetProcAddress(wgl_Lib, "glClearColor"); }
Is this the preferred way to make use of openGL inside of Wine? Is there a better way? I really don't want to have to figure out a typedef and make a pointer for every single library function I plan to use. Plus I find it annoying I can't use the real name of the function and am stuck using a differently named pointer.
Thanks in advance,
Jeremiah Flerchinger