If only ole32.dll.CoRegisterPSClsid() is implemented (empty stub returning '1' is enough) then the application "GeoGeogrid® for Windows©" starts and allows at least some basic operations.
(tested with "Baden-Würtemberg AMTLICHE TOPOGRAPHISHE KARTEN" Top50, Version 4)
For more info on GeoGrid you may look at: http://swpat.ffii.org/patents/effects/geogrid/index.en.html http://www.eads.net/frame/lang/en/xml/content/OF00000000400004/4/20/534204.h... Basically all official topographical maps in Germany are available only through this proprietary application.
It would be really useful if ole32.dll.CoRegisterPSClsid() could be implemented in (next) release...
Paul Ortyl