----- Original Message ----
From: Vitaliy Margolen wine-devel@kievinfo.com To: wine-devel@winehq.org Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 4:16:17 AM Subject: Re: Usable Wine interface
Remco wrote:
I'd like to add a feature-request (should this go somewhereelse?)
Yes, bugzilla -> enhancement.
Ok, thanks for the info. I added an entry: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11629
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I would very much like to see a --spawn-new trigger that can be added to a command to start a new virtual desktop.
At the moment my default setting is a virtual desktop for everything and I believe this is the current wine default. My issue is that every application comes into that virtual desktop and you cannot alt tab between them. This is an issue when you have three full screen games running at once and I really don't want to go making custom settings for all of them.
On Feb 18, 2008 1:57 PM, Remco remco47@yahoo.com wrote:
----- Original Message ----
From: Vitaliy Margolen wine-devel@kievinfo.com To: wine-devel@winehq.org Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 4:16:17 AM Subject: Re: Usable Wine interface
Remco wrote:
I'd like to add a feature-request (should this go somewhereelse?)
Yes, bugzilla -> enhancement.
Ok, thanks for the info. I added an entry: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11629
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"Edward Savage" epssyis@gmail.com wrote:
I would very much like to see a --spawn-new trigger that can be added to a command to start a new virtual desktop.
At the moment my default setting is a virtual desktop for everything and I believe this is the current wine default.
No, it is not.
My issue is that every application comes into that virtual desktop and you cannot alt tab between them. This is an issue when you have three full screen games running at once and I really don't want to go making custom settings for all of them.
What's the purpose of running 3 full screen games simultaneously? Perhaps you have to run them with different wine prefixes then.
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 03:30:30PM +0800, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
What's the purpose of running 3 full screen games simultaneously? Perhaps you have to run them with different wine prefixes then.
i run all my games in a desktop as big as the root window. this is a must for the game Grand Prix Legends and i grew acustomed to it. i can change to other apps/desktops without screen-res-changes or similar stuff - and there are games out there, that do not need 100% attention - playing Heroes Of Might And Magic mulitplayer comes into my mind here.
Edward Savage wrote:
I would very much like to see a --spawn-new trigger that can be added to a command to start a new virtual desktop.
wine explorer.exe /desktop=Name,800x600 myapp.exe
a hint about that command-line trick could be added to winecfg though, as it seems to be quite unknown.
Thanks for this Christian. Running the apps in their own wine window fixes several usability issues I was having with them (as I don't like playing games fullscreen). Christoph how do you change between apps in the one window, or are you using multiple?
On Feb 19, 2008 12:15 AM, Christian Authmann spam@authmann.de wrote:
Edward Savage wrote:
I would very much like to see a --spawn-new trigger that can be added to a command to start a new virtual desktop.
wine explorer.exe /desktop=Name,800x600 myapp.exe
a hint about that command-line trick could be added to winecfg though, as it seems to be quite unknown.