with a fresh clean install of wine, trying to run iTunesSetup.exe gives the error given in the subject. It's related to DCOM, so Microsoft recommands to download DCOM95 or DCOM98 ...
crawling again and again ... It turns out that some DCOM patches have been written, and TransGaming is ready to give them away as LGPL, asking for some Wine people to change their license to LGPL, too, instead of pure GPL.
ok .. so I don't understand the whole implications of this, but, probably, switching these famous patches to LGPL would help much people to have their applications run under Wine.
Did this point evolve since 2002 ? Did someone try to start a rewrite of the relevant patches (I don't think this is the good way to proceed, I would propose some compensation for their work to the GPL code writers) ? Is there any light for the small users we are ? ;-)
Olivier Kaloudoff LUG Linux Azur http://www.linux-azur.org FRANCE